American Anonymous Summary

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In American Anonymous: Eight addicts in search of a life written by Denizet-Lewis (2009) I found interesting that in our society, there are many people who suffer addictions which are health problems that are common. I like how Denizet-Lewis describes each character, because he provides a lot detail. The language that he uses is colloquial, which let the readers get engage. Studies have shown that social factors play an important role in the development of human behaviors that include the drug consumption. In the first chapter of American Anonymous, Bobby’s behavior is influenced by his family for instance; his father is a heroin addict, his brother Dan is addicted too.
In the second chapter Marvin introduces, he is an alcoholic man. All addictions have consequences and his actions lead to depression,” I ask the couple when Marvin’s drinking started getting out of control. Mary doesn’t hesitate__ she says it all began after a serious heart attack forced him to retire at fifty-eight from his management position at an insurance company” Denizet-Lewis (2009, p.24). According to Prest & Protinsky (1993) codependence is the term used for an alcoholic person. The spouse is called co-alcoholic, which is the term used when the person answer to the behavior to the alcoholic person, and the children are called para-alcoholic because they copy the alcoholic behavior. In chapter three a peculiar character is describes which is Todd. His addiction is being a bisexual. The personalities of bisexuals are characterized by feeling confused because they do not know their own inclinations. They feel it is an agony that they need to deal with it. The author exemplified " Tood hasn't dated women since his twenties."In my thirties I really just focused on guys," Also, in the same paragraph the author makes emphasizes the character feelings with this "Sometimes I wonder,though,if I'm going to wake up one morning and say,' Who the hell am I , and what the fuck did I do?' " Denizen-Lewis (2009, p. 28). Ellen in chapter four has an eating disorder which is a disease characterized by the feeling of never get satiety even though you are overeating. She feels
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Addiction is defined when a behavior is extremely obsessive and the person is not capable to get control of feelings. In chapter five Sean is introduced and a good description of him is this” But Sean suspects that he has long crossed the line from typical teenage obsession to sex addiction” Denizen-Lewis (2009, p. 40).
Addictions or bad habits might start by the influenced of somebody else, this is the case of Janice a fifty-five year old woman with a character that Denizet- Lewis(2009, p. 45) exemplified " everyone kept pestering Janice to try it." Come on," her downstairs neighbor said. "It's not going to hurt you!". At first, the affected person falls in the vicious cycle because they want to be accepted, they feel that they are different. But they do not realize, at the end they are going to end up without controlling the addition and losing everything. In chapter seven Jody decides to make changes after recovering from his addictions, Denizet-Lewis (2009),drugs, booze, gambling). Some ex-addictions decides to make a change in their life and help others because they know that people can learn from the experiences. Warren, Hof, McGriff & Morris (2012) states that learning from experiences permits to gain more contact with the

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