For this experiment, 100 ml of orange juice, and 100ml of water were measured out. The temperatures of the liquids were the same. Next, the ph levels of both liquids were measured. One Alka seltzer was dropped in the water and one in the juice, and timed how long it took to dissolve. The ph levels of the water and juice were measured after the alka seltzer dissolved. The experiment was repeated two times.
According to the data, the alka seltzer dissolved quicker in the orange juice compared to the water. The ph of the orange juice increased more than the water after the alka seltzer dissolved. After the alka seltzer was dropped in both the water and the orange juice, the liquids became less acidic.
Discussion …show more content…
A possible error that could have been made was not doing at least three experiments. If more experiments were done, the information would have been more accurate. Another possible error was only using two liquids. If more than two liquids were used in this experiment, then the information would have also been more accurate. A major error in this experiment was using a different starting temperature for each trial. If the starting temperature of the liquids used was warmer than the liquids in the previous trial, then the alka seltzer might dissolve faster in the warmer temperature liquids. This would cause the data to be