With a normal functioning brain, the corpus callosum communicates effectively in sending messages with nerves that connect the left and right hemispheres. In AHS, the wiring between the two hemispheres is not connected correctly. This can be caused by an aneurysm, a serious brain surgery for epilepsy, stroke, tumors, infections in the mind, or just one hemisphere being damaged. After developing AHS the patient does not lose all feeling in that hand but they do feel disassociated to it and can even claim the hand is not theirs. Some of the minor symptoms can include unconscious reaching, grasping, or touching at the face. Some of the extreme symptoms can incorporate preventing the hand from completing simple tasks like drinking out of a cup or self-inflicting harm such …show more content…
The neurotransmitters that seem to be affected for a physical sense are Acetylcholine (ACh), Dopamine, and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). All of these transmitters seem to be affected because they all somehow deal with either muscle movement and/or communication between nerves. Some neurotransmitters I believe could be affected emotionally from developing AHS are Dopamine and Serotonin because they affect moods in the brain. These people that have Alien Hand Syndrome can be embarrassed by their unknown actions and leave the patient depressed or alone