MacIntyre discovers opposing parties justifying their choices by alluring to intellectual moral principles, however, he deems their claims to be diverse, illogical, and irrational. In addition, he discovers that both groups hold minimal interest in the lucid rationalization of the ideologies they do use. Over time, moral philosophy has evolved into somewhat of an ethical rhetorical device used to coerce individuals into thinking, feeling and believing certain ways. As MacIntyre states, “We use moral judgements not only to express our own feelings and attitudes, but also precisely to produce such effects in others” (MacIntyre 2013: 12). MacIntyre argues that successive thinker, Charles L. Stevenson, had interpreted the meaning of moral judgements incorrectly. The meaning of moral judgements has actually become true of the use of moral judgements. MacIntyre reinterprets “emotivism,” Stevenson’s incorrect theory of connotation, as a theory of use. MacIntyre believes this culture of emotivism, those who use moral rhetoric, can be linked back primarily to the secularized Protestant cultures of northern Europe (MacIntyre 2013:37). Within the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, they had adopted a Christian moral theology. However, the secular moral logicians of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries developed similar opinions about the content …show more content…
Modern moral philosophy divides moral reasoning pertaining to responsibilities and commitments from factual reasoning about ends and factual pondering about the means to ones ends. In the process, it separates morality from practice. MacIntyre’s assessment of the division between morality and practice additionally calls on his evaluation of the determinist view. Determinists foresaw human actions as feedback to numerous factors, and would not examine the behaviors of people in “reference to intentions, purposes, and reasons for action” (MacIntyre 2013: 83). In its place, determinists assumed other connections, “law-like generalizations” (MacIntyre 2013: 88) to the causes of their behavior, which enabled them to forecast human conduct, and bring in scientific