The reason why I am interested in serving as an Executive Member of the NAACP chapter at Virginia Tech, is because I want to become more involved in the black community, and be a voice for those who do not feel as though they have one. There are many challenges that arise while attending Virginia Tech as an African American students. Whether it be issue with peers, professors, or the people who are native of southern Virginia. The NAACP seems to be a support system for those who are being discriminated against, and an organization whose goal is to teach the community on how to reduce the prejudices in our community.…
We would like to believe that we live in the time where race is not an issue and people are equal in everyone’s eyes. While blatant racial slurs are looked down upon by modern society, Alexander points out that racial discrimination has come in a new form: mass incarceration. According to the NAACP, African Americans are incarcerated at more than five times the rate of whites. While there have been recent protests of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, racial discrimination is not a new issue. In her book, Michelle Alexander provides an analysis of how our nation’s discriminatory history has influenced the stagnant social standing of African Americans today.…
As societies continue to segregate African-Americans, they become stereotyped and unequally distinguished as felons of violence, by others as well as themselves. To rub salt into the wound, people that try to reduce the amount of racism in societies ultimately end up increasing racism, as they intuitively contradistinguish African-Americans from the rest of society. Due to the fact that racism is a highly influential problem, it will be a feat to completely eliminate it, but it is achievable, as long as we work steadily, brick by brick, to solve the problem, as like the creation of…
The New Jim Crow, the prejudices that Sennett describes are already in play for black people seeking achievement. Alexander argues that the image of the “criminalblackman” has already been formed through the media as a systematic prejudice through the conflation of blackness and crime in public consciousness (Alexander, 107). She goes on to state that within law enforcement, “much racial bias [operates] unconsciously and automatically” (107). This is also undoubtedly true in the new capitalism. She explains that “as long as you ‘look like’ or ‘seem like’ a criminal, you are treated with the same suspicion and contempt, not just by police, security guards, or hall monitors at your school, but also by the woman who crosses the street to avoid you and by the store employees who follow you through the aisles (162).…
Imagine being in a society where the color of individual’s skin makes another person fear for their own well-being. Picture a place where people are judged because of their race, before even taking a look a one’s heart. This place is America. Every day, African-American men attempt to appear as normal as possible to make their lives easier, but stereotypes makes them stick out like a sore thumb. In “Black Men in Public Space” and “Black Men Quietly Combating Stereotypes”, these sources analyze the plight of African-American men in society.…
Stereotypes are fixed and oversimplified images and ideas of particular people or things. Being a black woman, we tend to encounter the most sexual and racial stereotypes. The remarks that are commonly heard are black women emasculate our men and we are sexually inhibited. Media and society have installed these stereotypes in a majority of our minds. We hear stereotypes so much, that we begin to believe in them.…
The most unsettling connection between Black Like Me and Crash that I made were the ones I relate to the most. The way the white man sensually portrays the black bodies coupled with the way the blacks relate to the color of their skin. For me, being a biracial female these two things cause much dismay. While the times will continue to change I don't envision that the way the blacks are perceived nor the stereotypes that are tagged to each individual will ever disappear.…
However, the data on the racial disparities in incarceration is even more appalling. According to the Bureau of Justice’s National Prisoner Statistics, African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites. Additionally, African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population (Moore). There is no getting around these staggering numbers. It is no coincidence that the African American population was and still is being targeted; it is no coincidence that the posterchild for…
The wide range of vocabulary associated with the identities of athletes of different races is quite surprising. It’s interesting to see how athletes are depicted in the eyes of other individuals on a daily basis. There were a great deal of people who felt the same as one another, because when brought together in our discussion course particular words stood out. Many of the words were direct correlations to stereotypes that are affiliated with certain races.…
Pager’s (2003) American Journal of Sociology article characterizes mass incarceration as the steady increase in U.S inmates, for increasing reasons coupled with increased sentences. The American Civil Liberties Union’s (2016) article, “What’s at Stake” juxtaposes America’s most famous theme, “Home of the Free” to the current state of mass incarceration experienced in the African American community. African Americans only comprise 13% of the United States population, yet they account for 40% of the prison population (United States Census, 2015). Additionally, one in every fifteen African American men are imprisoned when compared to only one in every one hundred and six white men (United States Census, 2015). The American Journal of Public Health reports startling Bureau of Justice statistics which estimate the incarceration rate among African American males is approximately 95% in Washington D.C.…
White, black and yellow are the different colors of American citizens in this country. None of us should be treated as a bad guy for no reason. In some people’s mind, different skin colors referred to different types of people, such as the white skin color is relating to the nice people. As I visited a lot of websites about news, such as New York Times and Fox News, it is hard to find any good news about African American men. Even if I find any good news about black men, most of them are presented within few sentences.…
Unlike modern-day racial profiling, an African American’s skin color, not their actions, made them a victim to prejudiced treatment from those in authority, namely the white race. Today, African American men, especially young African American boys are afflicted with some of the most dangerous stereotypes in the world partly as a result of the illegal use drugs and an increase in criminal activity and violence and partly because they have a black face. According to statistics one in every African American male will go to prison at some point in their life as opposed to one in every seventeen white males. Nearly one third of African American men between the ages of eighteen and thirty remain under some form of custody of…
One crucial goal for ending mass incarceration should be ending the media’s criminalization of black youth. Many believe that the issue of mass incarceration is not an issue of systemic racism, but an issue of “black on black crime”: crime that occurs within black communities. Harvard professor Randall Kennedy writes that, “most crime is intra-racial, so black victims suffer disproportionately at the hands of black criminals” (Bibas). The belief that crime only exists within black communities between black men reinforces the stereotype that black men are criminals by nature. Black men have been stigmatized as criminals ever since the early days of American history.…
Everyone in their life has stereotyped another race or ethnicity. Some can be general knowledge and some can be things we have heard about them either from the media or an encounter you had with a someone part of the race or even ethnicity. Racial stereotypes are false images that people hold about all members of a particular race or ethnicty. In America, we have different racial groups and as well as ethnicity. Racial groups can be defined as a group of people that is said to be different from others because of physical or genetic traits shared among them in the group while ethnicity can be defined as a group of people that shares a common culture, religion or language.…
Critical Thinking Assignment For my critical thinking assignment, I was asked what stereotypical images of Hispanic/Latino Americans and Black Americans exist in the contemporary media. I was also asked what harm these stereotypes present to the races, ethnic groups, and society. There are many parts that come together to create the contemporary media, such as television networks, internet website, and newspaper outlets they help in putting these stereotypes into the minds’ of the people.…