Last year in February, I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. I was not only mad, but also shocked because he cheated on me with a white woman. Do not get me wrong cheating is cheating, but his reasons for doing it were unbelievable. He told me that she does not argue with him and she makes him feel needed. Stating knowledge, this brother did not have a job neither was in school trying to obtain an education. He was a serial cheater and very disrespectful. When he stated that she made him feel needed, I only laughed. I laughed because even though he did not have anything I still remained loyal to him. I also laughed because when he instead of saying she made him feel needed, he actually meat to say she catered to what he wanted and let him to what he wanted. In my opinion, men who leave black women for white women because of stereotypical judgements are not masculine enough for strong black women. I want someone to need me in areas where they are weak so I can be their strengths and vice versa. A man has to have something I want, not pertaining to materialistic things, for me to need him. When I was a freshman in college, I had gotten pregnant. My dad was very upset and told me I was not different from any other black girl in Memphis and he said I would be …show more content…
This particular one bothers me to the extreme. Who simply concluded that dark skinned girls are not beautiful? Blacks and other ethnics have damaged dark skinned individuals with the stereotype that dark skinned girls are not as attractive as light skinned girls. I repeatedly hear rap artist stating in their songs redbone this and yellow bone that. Dividing us women by our color has caused us to be in an unseen war amongst ourselves. Also, another comment I commonly hear is that I must be mixed because I have good hair. My hair is very curly and fine, but I am only mixed with Negro and more Negro. Blacks tend to have very curly hair. India Arie stated in a song, “Good hair means curls ad waves, bad hair means you look like a slave.” There is no such thing as good hair and bad hair. There is a thing as healthy and unhealthy hair though. It hurts my soul to see black woman relaxing or wearing hair extensions to mimic Caucasian women. Then, they say I do it because their hair is too nappy and extensions make them feel good. I just think so straight hair that is not your texture or color makes you feel better. I had one girl tell me natural hair is not for her. So, you mean to tell me the hair that God put on your head may not be for you. I am just stating society has lead us to believe what is us, is not