Affirmative Action All Used Up Essay

Improved Essays
Jamie Randall
09 February 2016
Affirmative Action; All Used Up?

During the 1960 's, African Americans and white people were segregated. African Americans couldn 't go to the same school as white people. They couldn 't eat in the same restaurants. They couldn 't even drink from the same water fountains. Everything was separate and supposedly equal. The separation of African Americans led to campaigns of civil resistance. There were a series of nonviolent protests such as boycotts, marches, and sit-ins which caused many legislative achievements. A significant achievement was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which officially banned discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, nationality, and racial segregation in schools. When Kennedy became president during the
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At the same time, criticisms of affirmative action are understandable given that it 's based on race rather than merits. Are there other ways to balance race selection and merits? The University of Texas’s ten percent plan was quite successful at achieving diversity. Other universities such as the University of Arizona, University of Nebraska, and the University of Florida established financial aid and support programs specifically for minorities. According to the article "Class-based Affirmative Action Works" seven out of ten public universities were able to increase the proportion of minorities among their ranks by accounting for socio economic factors in the admission process. By allowing for socio economic equality within schools and jobs, not only will it create racial diversity, but also economic diversity. That means that we can use socio economic policies not only to create diversity within schools but also close the economic gap that is increasing between the minorities and upper

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