Labor and suffrage organizations such as the WCTU, Knights of Labor, and NAACP all desired to gain some form of influence for individuals, including: political influences, voting rights, and equality. For instance, in order to further political influence and suffrage the NAWSA taught women how to properly lobby and run for offices. The shift towards a more democratic nation carried over to the time of Progressive Era reformers and muckrackers. Politically, power of the people was very important. Suffrage for women and African Americans not only resembled an issue of equality, but one of proper representation. During the Progressive Era there was a heavy focus on the unfair processes and decisions of political machines. One major issue involving political machines was the Spoils System. People, primarily middle-class, would only be able to attain occupations in civil programs if they were in good standing with a political boss. Through reform, however, the Pendleton Act was passed and an area of civil service was born. Overtime, political machines lost their influence with constant instability of political parties, eventually falling apart completely. As political machines deteriorated in urban regions, opportunities for reform arose. Progressives called for referendum, recall, initiative, and direct primaries. Under Progressive president Theodore Roosevelt, the …show more content…
The two groups acted as facilitators, raising awareness for the nation and forcing the government to take action. What reformers were unable to accomplish was picked up in later years and eventually developed into current conditions. Today America is commonly referred to as the “melting pot of the world”. The reason America can accommodate and attract so many diverse cultures is because it went through a vast amount of effective reform. The equality in the race, occupation, and opportunity all originated with muckrackers and reformers desire to bring about change in the