Strengths And Weaknesses Of Hobbes Theory Of Civil Order

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PS4217F Major Political Thinkers: Hobbes
Assignment 1: What are the main strengths and weaknesses of Hobbes’ theory of civil order?

Name: Denise Cher Yan Wen
Matriculation Number: A0127001A
Word Count: 1887


Hobbes’ theory of civil order is based on the fundamental law of nature, which is to seek peace (Hobbes 2012, 200). According to Hobbes, to seek peace is necessarily to seek peace in the condition of war, and justice is therefore a legal compliance with the terms of the social contract (Hobbes 2012, 220). This paper argues that Hobbes’ theory of civil order is made durable by the narrow conception of justice, the appreciation of education, the profound conundrum between Hobbes’ distaste and use of rhetoric and the reconciliation
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In contrast to the heliocentric conception of the universe as conceived by Plato and Aristotle (Aristotle et. al 1953, Book XII, Chapter 3), Hobbes’ geocentric model is more egalitarian in nature. Just as Hobbes gained social mobility as a result of his education (Malcolm 1996, 13), he posits that because humans are ruled passion and desire, reason is unnatural and has to be learned (Hobbes 2012, 66, 74-75). While Hobbes contends that humans possess natural equality in our ability to kill each other, which also implies an equal chance at success of emerging victorious (Hobbes 2012, 188), Hobbes’ theory of civil order allows social hierarchy (Hamilton 2013, 167) by the uneven possession of intellectual virtues (Hobbes 2012, 111) and the accumulation of instrumental power (Hobbes 2012,

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