Mental Illness is Maryland:
Maryland has 5.6 million residents. Within that population, 175,000 adult residents currently live with serious mental illness on a daily basis. Another 62,000 children also live with mental conditions. Mental illness left untreated can have devastating consequences. In Maryland alone, 495 adults took their own life in a suicide. In many of these cases, there were undertreated or untreated mental illnesses present. The criminal justice system of Maine bears a heavy load …show more content…
They are as follows:
Opioids, which includes heroin, prescription opioids like painkillers and fentanyl.
Cocaine. The number of cocaine-related deaths in Maryland increase by 29% between the years 2013 and 2014. Almost 66% of the deaths related to cocaine included a combination of herioin. Another 20% was a combination of cocaine and prescription opiods.
Benzodiazepines and similar drugs. This type of drug include diazepam, clonazepam and alprazolam. This class of drug are depressant and have sedative effects.
Alcohol. There were 1039 drug/alcohol related deaths in 2014 within the state of Maryland. This was an increase of 21% since 2013 and an astounding 60% rise since 2010.
Rehabilitation, Detoxification and Mental Illness Centers in Maryland:
The after affects of substance abuse and mental illness is devastating to a life. It negatively alters the life of not only the person who is struggling with an addiction or mental illness but their family and friends as well. The following are some rehab centers addicts should consider in Maryland:
Father Martin’s Ashley, Havre de