Process Essay: My Weight Loss Journey

Improved Essays
Weight Loss

Dr. Kali Morgenstern

Saam Pourakbarian



In my wellness project I chose the topic of weight loss and explained the ways I approached this transformation. I also discussed methods I used that helped me to get closer to my goals and kept me motivated along the way. I believe the reputable sources and articles used in this essay make my writing a valuable and accurate study.

“Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.” – Arnold Glassgow
Growing up as a skinny kid I never had any problems with weight gain, because I had a healthy lifestyle which included regular exercise and a good diet. During my freshman year of college I became interested
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That being said, I believe the method I used could be very useful for people who lack social support and could help them become self motivated.
I believe my living environment has worked to my advantage because I live by myself. Sometimes, it’s much harder to eat healthy foods when you live in a place where everyone eats unhealthy. During my fat loss journey I measured my calorie intake as well as my macro nutrients to ensure that I was using the right amounts of food. In order to achieve this goal I used a food scale and an app called MyFitnessPal.
Over time, I made a lot of changes to my fat loss goals. Unlike many other tasks that you are able to stick to and excel in, our body is a very smart machine and adapts to our routines very quickly. Therefore, I made many small changes as time went by to ensure my body did not hit a plateau. In terms of nutrient changes, I decreased my calorie intake slowly and that helped me to keep my strength and most of my muscle mass. In terms of exercise, I made sure to follow different work out plans so that my body did not adapt and was always being
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One of the biggest challenges was craving for sweeteners and fast food. In order to manage this problem, I made sure to prepare all of my meals for the entire week every Sunday. That way whenever I got hungry, I had pre-prepared food available to eat. I also created cheat days, usually once every couple of weeks. During my cheat days, I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted for one meal. I also made sure to work out right after that meal, so that I was able to burn most of the food as energy rather than letting it turn into fat.
The biggest lesson I learned through this project is the importance of having patience and being consistent. You need to educate yourself to gain the general knowledge required and then from there it’s all about discipline and the will to succeed. Also, I would suggest not to act based on your impulses. I know people who spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on weight loss equipment and programs that are absolutely unnecessary. In order to become fit there are various in-home videos that you can follow that require no cost whatsoever.
I am certainly going to use my knowledge gained from this project in the future since I feel very

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