Absolutism: Thomas Hobbes And Louis XIV

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Absolutism is a political solution where the monarchy controls every facets of government with no checks or balances, it was initially introduced by the English by Kings, James and Charles I. Although it was introduced in the England (maybe Spain) it never did take hold mainly because of an established parliament that was so strongly ingrained into the English process of government. On the other hand, Louis XIV was able to secure an absolute monarchy and take it to extremes. He was able under the precept of “Divine Right” and claiming to be servant of God. This would allow Louis XIV to dissolve the Estates-General (a general assembly). Louis XIV is the poster child of what an absolute monarch is supposed to be and had no issue in letting the people of France know his status. He would often be heard repeating the phrase “L’etat, c’est moi”.
In the 17th and 18th centuries opinions by political theorists varied as to which system was better. Two notable political philosophers of the time both had very different views in regard to absolutism. One side of the spectrum, Thomas Hobbes was a supporter of absolutism while John Locke supported natural rights through Parliament representation.
Early in his reign,
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Although initially he allowed them religious freedom he enacted a law that would prevent them to openly practice their religion and their offspring would be required to become Catholics. Both these points would ultimately mire his 72 year legacy as the “Sun King”, the taxation led to an enormous class conflict because the burden it place on the lower class. With change of policy on religion the French protestants would immigrate to other countries, taking with them the economic support they provided the country. Ultimately this left France with little money to invest for arts and a

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