Abraham’s compassion for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah reveals the heart of a man who cared greatly for others. In fact, the angelic visitors who visited Lot were about to be abused by men of Sodom who desired to have sex with them. Though Sodom’s citizens were evil, Abraham did not desire to see their extermination. That is the heart of God, not willing that none should perish. Abraham's prayer for Sodom or at least for Lot and his family is a fascinating revelation of the faith of a man and an awesome boldness of a mere human being before the Creator of world. Abraham appears to stand before God alone, yet exert significant influence over God's actions. Just as true friends. Another instance in the life of Abraham showed that he had power with God. Abraham had traveled to and was living in Gerar. He feared that Abimelech might murder him and take Sarah his wife to his own lustful …show more content…
In his book ‘Principle Preaching: How to create and deliver Purpose Driven “John Bisagno talking about Abraham claims that “By faith, he responded immediately to the call of God on his life ‘’. He abandoned his homeland and fellow citizen never to return (Hebrews 11:8-16). He trusted God for the promise of a child though such a birth was typically hopeless (Romans 4:18-21). He sent away his son, Ishmael when Sarah and God requested it (Genesis 21:9-14). He was even ready to give Isaac the son of promise, when God commanded it (Hebrews 11: 17-19). As a result of his great faith, he inherited the triumph of faith (Genesis 22: 12). In Abraham’s life, he demonstrated faith that His God would supply his needs. He trusted God, not only to provide for a time, but for eternity. He had hope for the present life and the life to come. (Hebrews 11:10). Abraham believed that God will bless all nations through Isaac, but he also believed that he has to sacrifice his son as ordered. Facing such a challenge crisis, he did not give up one belief for another. But he sustained both, though things looked absurd, because he chose to completely trust God to be responsible in any case. If Abraham had hesitated, he would have surely given