Ending a life, because of a crime is not moral. The convicted criminals don’t learn anything from it. Instead of death row, they could receive jail time and talk to people about the consequences of committing crimes. In some cases, innocent people have been sentenced to death row. It is not right to give someone power to kill someone. The court system doesn’t want to see themselves as murders too, but they are. Opposers may say it is moral because the person won’t be able to commit the crime again, but I believe prison fits the bill just fine. …show more content…
One of the forms is electrocution, which takes about 2,000 milliamps to cause cardiac arrest. That capacity is a strong painful shock. Another type of execution is lethal injection. Lethal Injections can contain pentobarbital or midazolam hydrochloride. It could take up to 2 hours for death, even though it’s supposed to be a quick process. Also, I would say that the types of execution are not very accurate. About 34 out of 50 states use lethal injection as a primary method. Per Ohio executioners, “McGuire struggled, made guttural noises, gasps for air and choked for about 10 minutes before succumbing to anew two- drug execution method.” Opposers argue that it is consistent, because innocent people that are murdered by capital punishment is rare and all forms of punishment should work