Within the man’s grasp was a large meat cleaver. The young man shuttered violently from fright, he knew these were the last moments of his pathetic life. The figure in black started walking slowly and steadily towards the boy in blue. The rain and all other noises were dampened by the alley, an eerie deathly silence overtook the dark damp corridor. Scraaaaaaaa…..scraaaaa…..scraaaaaa…… a horrible screeching sound filled the young man’s ears as the man in black trudged along, wicked blade scraping against the concrete. The young man began to think, for the fright had muddled his senses. The man could run, but he knew the black clad figure would find him anywhere and murder him on the spot. The young man had run out of options. The brutal, cold hard truth that he was about to die took a huge toll on the young man’s mind. The young man moved for the first time in several minutes, several beads of perspiration dripped down his ashen face. The older man in black was within ten yards of the
Within the man’s grasp was a large meat cleaver. The young man shuttered violently from fright, he knew these were the last moments of his pathetic life. The figure in black started walking slowly and steadily towards the boy in blue. The rain and all other noises were dampened by the alley, an eerie deathly silence overtook the dark damp corridor. Scraaaaaaaa…..scraaaaa…..scraaaaaa…… a horrible screeching sound filled the young man’s ears as the man in black trudged along, wicked blade scraping against the concrete. The young man began to think, for the fright had muddled his senses. The man could run, but he knew the black clad figure would find him anywhere and murder him on the spot. The young man had run out of options. The brutal, cold hard truth that he was about to die took a huge toll on the young man’s mind. The young man moved for the first time in several minutes, several beads of perspiration dripped down his ashen face. The older man in black was within ten yards of the