On September 11, 2001 around three thousand people were killed and around six thousand were injured when terrorists hijacked four planes and ran them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It was a devastating event that shocked the country. In March of 2006 construction started on a memorial to honor all of the people that were killed. They inscribed every victims name into bronze panels, that sit on the edge of the Memorial pools. Then it was finally opened on September 11, 2011.…
On September 11th,2001 the United States was victim of one of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in history. Everyone was in complete shock as they saw the twin towers come crashing down along with the thousand of people in them. ”who did this?” “why would anyone do this?” “what’s next?” how was the United states gonna cope with all this?…
If you're going to visit a monument then I would suggest the 9/11. The 9/11 monument is a very well thought out memorial. It honors 9/11 very well. It has all of the names of the nearly 3,000 victims of that day. When people see it for the first time they are amazed.…
The conflict of George bush being involved in 9/11 can be solved by either George bush being taken to prison because of a confession, enough evidence comes out that he gets taken to court, or al Qaeda admits that it was planned by George bush. While the twin tower attacks were going on, George bush was reading a book to second graders. Suddenly, one of the secret servicemen came and whispered something in his ear. He continued to read. The secret servicemen had said something about the attack when the first tower was hit, then he whispered again when the second tower was hit, he continued to read.…
Local terrorists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols responsible for the explosion of a 5,000 pound bomb in a rented truck, just outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995, the explosion killed 168 people, including 19 children. The reasoning behind the Oklahoma City Bombing was the perpetrator McVeigh, was angered by the Waco tragedy, which the government was blamed for killing 75 people, including children, planning his revenge on the second anniversary of the Waco disaster, with friends Nichols and others assisting in the planned bombing. In september 1994, McVeigh purchased large amounts of fertilizer, ammonium nitrate, being the main ingredient of the bomb, stole other ingredients for the bomb, placed it in the back…
Because this plane was hijacked after the first attacked, those who were on the plane were aware what was happening to them, and that they were going to die. Some passengers tried to fight back, and the plane ended up crashing into a rural field. All 45 people aboard were killed. Shortly following, at 10:28 a.m., the North Tower began to plummet to the ground as well. Once the building began to go down, there was no way to stop it, and the city of lost control completely.…
The Oklahoma City Bombing happened on April 18, 1995, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The bombing was a domestic terrorist truck bombing, it happened at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. In this attack there was a total of 168 deaths, 19 were children that were in the day-care center that the building had, and more than 500 people were injured. The bomb was made with ammonium nitrate and fuel oil. This was the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil until September 11, 2001.…
Al-Qaeda was a famous terrorist group well known for their many attacks on the U.S. but what they are really known for is their 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Many people people were astonished by these attacks. It all started on September 11, 2001, at 8:45 am 19 militants linked with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Over 3,000 people were killed during these attacks including more than 400 police officers and firefighters. Reportedly financed by Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden the leader of al-Qaeda terrorist organization, they were supposedly acting in retribution for America's support for Israel, its involvement in the Persian Gulf War, and its continued military existence in the Middle east.…
The terrorist attacks of September 2001 shattered Americas illusion of safety from this type of attack. With a tiny number of people, just 19, terrorists were able to commandeer 4 jet planes and use them as missiles, destroying both buildings of the World Trade Towers, as well as striking the Pentagon. Although there were 2,146 confirmed deaths of the buildings occupants, the devastation could have been much worse. At full capacity, there would have been 25,000 people trying to exit the burning buildings, trampling each other in the panic. The death toll would have potentially been 10 times more devastating than it was (Bose, 2005).…
At 9:02 a.m. on April 19, 1995 a bomb went off that changed the world forever. The Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City had been bombed in a terrorist attack. The Oklahoma City bombing affected America in numerous ways, including in business, the lives of the victims, and America’s Image. Timothy McVeigh, a former military man, was the one behind this attack. McVeigh earned many medals while serving in the Persian Gulf War, but after not being admitted into the Special Forces program he left the Army.…
# Religion Assessment ## Oklahoma City Bombing On April 19, 1995, in Oklahoma City USA, a truck bomb detonated outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Government Building. It left 168 people dead, and hundreds more injured. The truck bomb was detonated by anti-government militants Timothy McVeigh, who was executed for his crimes in 2001 and Terry Nichols, who received life in prison. ### Possible Big Questions - Is the death penalty OK?…
On September 11th 2001, a group of militants working for the group called Al-Qaeda hijacked 4 airliners and carried out a series of attacks on the United States. Two of these planes crashed into the towers of the world trade in New York, One plane crashed into the Pentagon and the final plane crashed into a field in the Pennsylvania area. 15 minutes after the pentagon attack a catastrophe turn for the worst was made in New York when one of the towers collapsed in a cloud of dust. 30 minutes later another tower collapsed in a mountain of smoke. 3000 people where killed during these attacks out of these causalities firefighters and medical staff where among the few killed.…
Introduction: September 11th, 2001. A day of fear, a day of courage. 9/11 is a day that could never be forgotten. Not only was New York in shock, but the whole world too. Everyone suffered, never knowing what was going to happen next.…
On the morning of September 11, 2001, the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda conducted a suicide attack on two symbolic USA landmarks, New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon. These terrorist hijacked planes and crashed it into these populated landmark sites. New York’s infamous twin towers collapsed after it caught on fire from the plane, as well as other buildings surrounding them. All the hijackers died during their attack as well as nearly 3,000 Americans.…
On September 11, 2001 a group named al-Qaeda sent four airliners to the United States carrying suicide attacks. We didn’t expect any attacks at the time or knew there would be any soon that day, it was all a surprise. Two of the planes flew all the way to New York City and crashed into the towers known as the twin towers, the third plane hit the Pentagon just outside of Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. These crashes resulted to be an extensive death and destruction. Buildings were destroyed even with people inside.…