In the case of Sala et al v. Warwick Valley Central School District (2009), John Sala, Jr., a high school senior, was dismissed from his high school football team. Sala was arrested after police came to a friend’s house to find Sala and his friends in the presence of alcohol and marijuana. Following the arrest, he was suspended from the football team for the rest of the season. While serving the suspension, the District Athletic Director corrected Sala for speeding in the school parking lot, and he accused Sala of cursing at him in response. Sala was also ticketed for driving past the curfew of his license.…
If the case were to go to court I believe that the school district would win. Philip is a student who goes to Harrison High School. Philip was a suspended for singing the Star Spangled Banner. The school would win because Philip was causing a disturbance in the class and he was being disrespectful to Ms. Narwin.…
In his latest instance, he was thought to be disrespectful to the principal, Ms. Gleason, and was taken to jail by a police officer. During his short time in jail he was made to complete community service activities, such as scrubbing toilets and mopping floors. He was deeply upset by…
In a school in Detroit a teacher by the name of Tiffani Eaton tried to stop a fight between two students by hitting both of them with a broom. Because of her actions the school fired her, the students were suspended. In my opinion her punishment was unjustified, although I can understand the other side of the coin. She did cause the students physically and mentally harm. As well as brook the schools policy by not getting security and hitting a student.…
Nevada law provides a student shall not be suspended from school or expelled from the School District unless the student has been given notice and an opportunity to defend him/herself before an Administrative Review Board (ARB). (Nev. Rev. Stat. §392.467(2)). After Wynar was detained by law enforcement, DHS Principal Marty Swisher and Vice Principal David Pyle visited Wynar at the Detention Center to inform him that he would be suspended from for ten days because he had violated the School District’s Violence Policy. He was also informed he had a right to defend himself before an ARB with the presence of a parent, but he denied his right. Wynar also understood he could receive additional disciplinary actions from the School District pending the ARB.…
On April 12 a young 10 year old boy who has autism was arrested at Okeechobee Achievement Academy in Florida for “allegedly kicking and scratching the educational assistant who was working with him”. The Washington Post reported that “After the arrest, the boy was taken to a juvenile detention facility where he spent the night. His mother offered to go with officers in the police car, but they refused her to go with.” Okeechobee County schools to charge him with “battery on a school board employee” a third-degree felony in the state of Florida. Scott Badesch, one of the authors who helped with the article mentioned that “It appears the school’s responses were beyond wrong and evil.”…
A breach of the duty of care by a teacher…
Honig vs. Doe (1988) In 1988, the concept of disciplining students with disabilities under the Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA), which is today considered the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), was brought into question. The plaintiff, an emotionally disturbed (ED) child named John Doe, was suspended from school for choking another student. He claimed that his ED caused his misbehavior. As the school was deciding to expel him, they maintained his suspension.…
Although there is a clearly stated disciplinary consequence for her action, the administrative staff conflict with enforcing that punishment. Mr. Furtoski, the principal, especially struggled with the decision because he did not want to supersede the teacher’s autonomy and rights to follow district mandated rules; which he helped to approve. At the same time, his moral consciousness played a role. He thought the punishment was unwarranted. In addition, Mr. Furtoski was concerned about jeopardizing Sheila’s honorable achievements and the renewed sense of pride it will bring to the school and community.…
Due Process for Short and Long Term Suspensions Order and protection goes hand-in-hand! Having guidelines and processes in place is the glue that binds s smooth flow and success to any program. It is vital to achievement that an association such as school, have the policies and procedures communicated precisely that they may be followed with accuracy. When there is a breakdown in the understanding of the procedures by administration when it comes to suspending or expelling a student, there may be legal actions that follow. This writing will take an in-depth look at the policy of East Feliciana Schoolboard and their student handbook to gather data that pertains to the policy that is in place on short- and long-term suspensions of students that are enrolled in their school.…
Larry Harbinger is a sophomore student at Floodrock High School. He is facing a possible five-day out-of-school suspension for theft of school property. Larry cares for animals deeply. In his biology class, they were about to dissect live frogs. Even though Larry’s mother wrote a note to excuse her son from doing this dissection, the teacher insisted that everyone observes the dissection.…
Elizabeth’s shirt is school-sponsored speech under the Hazelwood standard. To determine whether an activity is school-sponsored the following factors are assessed: whether or not the class was part of the school’s curriculum, whether or not the student receives a grade on the assignment, and who has the final say over the classroom material. Hazelwood Sch. Dist., 484 U.S. at 268.…
The implementation of the zero tolerance policy seems to be complicated by school administrators’ fear of violence, resulting in exorbitant suspensions and expulsions of students committing minor infractions against school policy. As these negative incidents involving unjustified suspensions of students increase, the drop-out and failure rates will continue to increase as well. However, the incidence of violence and general disobedience in schools must be addressed. Zero tolerance, if focused specifically on verified violent plans or acts, could be an effective policy for dealing with violent behavior and preventing some violence before it occurs.…
Token economies reinforce desired behavior through the delivery of tokens or chips that can be exchanged for back-up reinforcers in the way of desired objects or privileges. In a token economy, there are three major elements: There must be a specific list of clearly defined target behaviors; tokens or points must be identified; and there must be a list of backup reinforcers or items for which the saved tokens can be exchanged (Miltenberger, 2012). In preparing to implement the token economy, six basic steps, as follows, must be followed in order to ensure success: identify tokens, identify behaviors, select back-up reinforcers, establish the exchange ratio, establish procedures for dispensing and exchanging tokens, and field test the system…
1. Explore the Issue Upon reviewing Laura Rivera’s ethical dilemma concerning Tyrone’s behavior as well as his parent’s harsh style of punishment, my first response would be to consult with the director of the program about my concerns. Meeting with the director will give insight on how to address Tyrone’s parents discipline style, not to mention, help me to organize my thoughts before I confront them (Artifact 1). Equally important I must identify the stakeholders in this dilemma, which are Tyrone, his classmates, his classmates’ families, his parents, his teachers, along with the director and other administrators of the center. Tyrone along with his family are obvious stake holders in this scenario since Tyrone is the child who is exhibiting…