but there is an exception to the first amendment's protection, while the press may have freedom to provide citizens with information and opinions about matter which are of public importance they often collide with other rights such a citizen's right to privacy or a defendant's right to a fair trial. both which have become a large concern with aggressive journalism has become the release of stories as well as photographs of a person in private setting being released. …show more content…
the media has began to show more of a liberal bias when it comes to the stories being told. show only one side of an edited version of a story they played over and over again making it seems as if the world all agrees with their views. Not only does the television networks lean towards the liberals as does the Internet as well. One can browse the internet in search of the other side of a story previously reported only to find the same one sided news clips that you previously saw. leading the public to believe that is the only truth therefore the correct way of