19th Century Reform Movements

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During the late 19th century and early 20th century reform movements began to shape the United States of America forever. The reform movements were a type of social movement that wanted to create equality and boost morality in America. Reform movements can improve American society and politics because they will improve workplaces and daily life for workers, immigrants will begin to feel “American”, and public schools will start to educate many more people.
Usually ran by women, settlement houses provided needs for the factory workers. In 1889 Jane Addams opened the famous Hull House in Chicago. After the Hull House, settlement houses began to open across the whole country. These female reformers believed it was their Christian duty to improve living conditions of the poor. “The women who ran settlement houses provided everything from medical care, recreation programs, and English classes to hot lunches for factory workers.” (Doc. A). These settlement houses gave workers what they needed to have in order to survive and live successfully. Without these reform movements the poor would have continued to be living miserably and the corporations would have continued to not care about their workers.
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These schools helped immigrants adjust to the growing industrial lifestyle, or the new American lifestyle. They also taught women how to sew, cook, and the skillful care of young children. “Through civic instruction in the public schools, the Italian woman slowly becomes urbanized...and the habits of her entire family were modified. The public schools in the immigrant neighborhoods deserve all the praise as Americanizing agencies.” (Doc. D). The schools were just as effective teaching the kids the way of an American, as the children were of teaching their parents what they learned. These public schools educated immigrants and were a key factor in Americanizing the

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