1984 Government Control Essay

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Government Control
In the 21st century, the greater the power, the greater the nation is. George Orwell uses his novel, 1984, as a warning of what could happen if government turns totalitarian. Although it goes unnoticed, the government control in today’s world is much like the one in 1984 by the censored documents, the attempt of a perfect society, and the government controlled surveillances.
In order to make sure citizens abide by the government, the government controls the information that gets out to its people by censoring documents. The government now and in 1984 controls any news distributed to the public (Darno). In 1984, after Winston alters a document, he puts the original copy into the memory whole, which destroys it forever (Orwell 35). Today, people take similar actions to get rid of a document by the use of paper shredders and fires (Beale). The destruction of written documents, allows the past, as well as the present to be altered and rewritten. This allows the
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In 1984, the government does everything possible to make society perfect, even if it means altering the truth. In 1984, the Ministry of Plenty tampers with the statistics of boot production to make society believe that improvements are being made (Orwell 37.) In 2010, President Obama enacted the Affordable Care Act which requires everyone to purchase health insurance (“Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs”). By doing this, the citizens in both states believe that they live in the best state possible. Citizens believe that because of these types of improvements -that they live in a perfect society. They give up their freedoms with out realizing that the so called “perfect society” they live in isn’t so perfect. Half of Oceania still walk around without boots, and Most of America still can’t afford health insurance. In an attempt to protect their “perfect society”, the government uses constant

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