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18 Cards in this Set

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Islam (Holy Book and Founder)

Holy Book: Qu'ran

Founder: Muhammed

Hinduism (Holy Book and Founder)

Holy Book: Vedas, Upanishads

Founder: None

Judaism (Holy Book and Founder)

Holy Book: Tanakh/Torah/Old Testament

Founder: Abraham, Moses

Christianity (Holy Book and Founder)

Holy Book: Bible/Christian Scriptures

Founder: Jesus

Buddhism (Holy Book and Founder)

Holy Book: Tripitakas (3 Baskets)

Founder: Siddharta Guatama (The Buddha)

5 Major Religions in the World (IBJCHCAFS)

1. Islam

2. Buddhism

3. Judaism

4. Christianity

5. Hinduism

6. Canadian Aboriginal Faith Systens

Which of the 5 are?

The largest?

Fastest growing?




The largest? - Christianity

Fastest growing? - Islam

Oldest? - Hinduism

Youngest? - Islam

Smallest? - Judaism

Be Able to memorize this graph (Percentages)

31.5% Christians

23.2% Muslims

16.3 Unafilliated

15% Hinduism

7.1% Buddhist

5.9% Folk (CAFS)

0.8% other religions

0.2% Jews

What is tolerance? What should we be tolerable of?

Tolerance: An attitude that recognizes the rights of others to think, live or worship according to their own beliefs

What: Dress, wearing of symbols, the food people eat

Parable of Weeds Among the Wheat (Matthew 13:24-30)

Jesus speaks of the human condition: the good, bad, enemies and friends: all live together; he warns his disciples to not sort out the bad from the good as the farmer warned his helpers-- but to wait for the harvest (final judgement): God is the only judge!

The Three Fours 1: (4 Ground Rules for Living with Each other)

Respect the faith and religion of others:

- By respecting the faith/religion of other people we honor their deepest convictions and expressions of what they believe to be true; thier beliefs have usually stood the test of time, and are repeated in thier rituals and liturgies

The Three Fours 2: (4 Vatican II Guidelines for Dialogue with other Religions)

Jesus Christ is Present in other religions


- If all human beings are made in God's image, then all human beings are images of the trinity (meaning they also reflect Jesus Christ)

- There is only one universal plan of solution: all humans take part in that plan

- All authentic religions have something that reflects Jesus Christ


- Other religions do not understand themselves as Catholics see them

- Speaking openly about Christ shows where there is unity and similarity between Christianity and other faiths

The Three Fours 3: (4 Types of Interreligious Dialogue)

Dialogue of Everyday Life

- The diversity of Canada's population means that it is more than likely you will meet someone with a different religion

- We share much in common: joy, sorrow, pain

- We need to be ready to help others when they are in need, understanding the challenges they may have living in Canada where they are part of a minority religion and culture

How We Understand Mystery (2 Diagrams)

Nostra Aetate (In Our Time)

Meaning: In Our Time

How old: 1965-2016 = 51 Years

Document about: How the church can improve it's relationship with other religions and promote unity

Buddhism: in its various forms, realizes the radical insufficiency of this changeable world; it teaches a way by which men, in a devout and confident spirit, may be able either to acquire the state of perfect liberation, or attain, by their own efforts or through higher help, supreme illumination.


