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61 Cards in this Set

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What country is the Suez Canal in?


What continent is the Suez Canal in?


Where was Gandhi from?


How did Britain rule India?

Ruled by direct rule.

Who had power in Latin America?


The Moroe doctrine gave Latin America what and why?

Independence so that they could trade with the United States.

Who did Mexico get independence from?


Texas got independence from who?


What is Puerto Rico?

A territory of the United States.

What triggered the Opium War?

China was sent opium by Britain due to a trade debt.

John Hay was CHINA


Filmore was JAPAN


Why did Russia lose to Japan?

Ruskies underestimated Japan.

What happened when Japan beat the Ruskies?

Japs were then thought as being a world power.

Japan agreed to stop immigration only if

Chinese people were treated better in the United States.

What year was slavery abolished in the United States?


When did Muhammad Ali seize power of Egypt?

In 1805.

When was the Suez Canal completed?

In 1869.

Malaria is spread by what?


Britain used what type of rule in Africa?

Indirect rule

France used what type of rule in Africa?

French used direct rule

What were some good things about British rule in India?

Brought stability to the country, introduced railroads, the telegraph and the postal service.

What were some bad things about British rule in India?

Brought economic hardship, best jobs went to the British, British showed disrespect for culture.

Peninsulares held what?

Imperial positions.

Creoles controlled land but were regarded as what?

2nd class citizens.

Mestizos were the largest group but were


Who wanted equality for all and were instrumental in the revolution?

The Creoles were responsible.

When did Mexico declare its independence from Spain? What did Mexico become?

In 1821? A republic.

Who proposed the Moroe Doctrine and in what year?

President James Monroe in 1823.

When did Texas gain its independence from Mexico? When did Texas get statehood?

In 1836, and statehood in 1845.

When did the Mexican-American War begin, who ruled Mexico and how much land was lost to the US?

In 1846, Santa Anna and almost 1/2 of its territory.

What does the Panama Canal connect?

Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

What does the Suez canal connect?

The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

When was the Panama Canal created?

In 1914.

When was the Mexican Revolution?


What did the Mexican Revolution set up?

Set up a President and reformations in Mexico.

Who started an open door policy in 1899?

Secretary of State John Hay.

What does Indemnity mean?

A payment for war damages.

When did the Qing Dynasty end?

Ended in China in 1911.

Name a good thing about Western Influence in China.

Adopted new ways of thinking.

Name some bad things about Western influence in China.

Local industry was destroyed, most of the trade money went to foreign countries.

Japan was isolated for how many years?

200 years.

The ___ Restoration created a modern political system in Japan.


What did the Liberal want?

Wanted a western democratic model of gov't with the supreme authority vested in the Parliament as a representation of the people.

What did the Progressives want?

Wanted power to be shared between the executive and legislative branches, with the executive having more control.

Who won, the Liberals or Progressives?


What was the Meiji Constitution modeled after?

Imperial Germany.

Though the system appeared to be democratic, the power still remained with a ruling


Japan developed what two things from Western ideas?

A new imperial army, and a new education system.

When did China go to war with Japan over Korea? How did it end?

In 1894, and the war ended with a treaty recognizing the independence of Korea.

When did Japan go to war with Russia? What did they take back?

In 1904, and they took back the land that Russia had taken from them.

When did Japan annex Korea?

In 1910.

Who made the "Gentlemen's Agreement" and in what year with Japan?

President Theodore Roosevelt in 1907.

List some motivates for Imperialism.

Economic reasons, countries wanted advantage over their rivals, and colonies were a good source of national prestige.

Who controlled Singapore and Russia?

Great Britain.

Who controlled the Vietnamese empires/made them a proctorate?


Who controlled the Philippines despite harsh revolts and why?

The United States, and because they were a stepping stone to the rich markets of China.

What nation was the only one able to remain independent?


What is indirect rule?

Local rulers were allowed to maintain their position under rule of a different power.

What is direct rule?

The existing rulers were replaced with one from the other country.

What caused revolts against the colonial empires?

Poor working conditions and low wages.