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49 Cards in this Set

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Who got punished the most after World War I?


What are reparations?

War damage payments, the losing country had to pay for them.

By 1939, who were the only democratic countries left in Europe?

Britain and France.

What does inflation mean?

Prices go up, while the value of money goes down.

Why did the US not join the League of Nations?

The US didn't want to get involved with EU affairs. They had already just gotten out of a war, and the people didn't want to get involved with another.

The Dawes Plan did what?

US loaned Germany money so that they could pay off the reparations to France & Britain.

What country was the hardest on Germany?

France m8

Was President Hubert Hoover successful upon saving the Amreican economy?

No, Pres. Hoover was NOT.

President Roosevelt made the what? What did it do?

The New Deal. It created government projects so that they could create jobs for people.

President Roosevelt got what disease that made him handicapped?


What is a tariff?

Taxes on imports.

Black Tuesday was when what happened?

Stock Market crashed in October 1929.

What are three reasons why the stock market crashed?

Panic selling, speculation and buying on margin.

What other reasons were there for a Great Depression?

US Stock market crashed in which in term affected the world economy to be affected as well.

The FDIC does what?

Ensures bank deposits, so that people are promised to get their money.

Who was Mussolini leader of?


A fascist government does what?

Glorifies the state, not so much the individual.

What's a republic?

A republic is when people vote for leaders.

Propaganda is what?


Who was the leader of the Soviet Union?

Joseph Stalin was the leader.

Who succeeded Lenin after his death?

Joseph Stalin.

What saved the Soviet Union's economy when they switched to it?

An old version of capitalism.

Where'd Hitler get his ideas of concentration camps from?

Stalin himself.

Italy were angered after the Treaty of Versailles because why?

Because they weren't given the land they were promised prior to the war.

Red refers to?

Communists (commies)

Who supported the Spanish in the Spanish Civil War?

Italy & Germany supported.

Where was Hitler born?


Did Hitler make the economy better?


What was the SS?

Hitler's police force.

What are 3 causes of the Great Depression?

Dustbowl, stock-market crashed and no insurance on bank deposits.

What are 3 developed programs that the New Deal created?

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Civil Works Administration (CWA) and Federal Security Agency (FSA).

How did Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler rule their countries?

By using fear.

Was the League of Nations successful?


Since Germany couldn't pay off the reparations to France, what did France take over?

The Ruhr Valley.

What type of government did Germany set up after WWI? Was it successful?

A republic. No.

When did Britain's economy boom during this time?

From 1925 to 1929.

What methods did Britain use to get themselves out of the Great Depression?

Protective tariffs, and balanced budgets.

Who was John Maynard Keynes?

A British economist who condemned the theory that in a free economy depressions should be left to fix themselves.

By 1939, what type of regimes began rising across Europe?

Totalitarian regimes

What's a totalitarian state?

When the government controls all aspects of citizens lives. It's when it's controlled by a single leader and a single party.

Who established fascism in Italy in 1920?

Benito Mussolini.

Who was the Soviet Union formed under?

Vladimir Lenin.

Lenin abandoned war communism in favor of what?

The New Economy Policy. (aka, old capitalism boy.)

What year did Lenin die?


What did Stalin want to transform Russia into?

An individual country.

What did Hitler believe in?

Anti-semitism and social Darwinism.

How was Hitler able to rise to power?

Because of the horrible German economy.

When was the Enabling Act passed and what did it do?

In 1933, and it allowed the German constitution to be ignored.

What was the first extreme act Hitler made against the Jews?

The Nuremberg laws.