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57 Cards in this Set

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What were the developments of the 2nd Industrial Revolution?

Steel, chemicals, electricity and petroleum.

Who created the lightbulb?

Edison in US and Swan in Britain.

Who innovated the assembly line?

Henry Ford

Who created the telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell

Who created the airplane?

The Wright brothers.

Who created the radio waves?


The first mass produced car was?

Model T

Why were more goods being bought?

Because of increased wages and lower prices.

Industrial core countries of Europe?

Britain, France, Germany and Belgium

What did the 2nd IR create?

A world economy.

Who wrote the communist manifesto?

Marx and Engels.

Difference in socialism and communism?

Communism is an extreme form of socialism. Socialism grows directly out of capitalism.

What was the first listed Marxist party and what did they believe in?

Party was violent. The first Marxist party was Pure Marxists thatbelieved in capitalism would be overthrown by a violent revolution.

What was the second listed Marxist party and what did they believe in?

The revionists rejected the revolutionary approach. Wanted a peaceful approach. They believed workers should continue to organize in mass political parties and even work with other parties to gain reforms.

What did Labor Unions do and what are strikes?

Used strikes (refusing to work while revolting) to raise wages, better working conditions,and the right of collective bargaining.

What is feminism?

the movement for women's rights.

What did universal education create?

Universal education for both men and women which transpired to the growth of society.

What were sports used inthe Late 19th century?

Baseball, basketball and football.

What was democracy characterized by in the late 19th century?

Universal male suffrage and ministeral responsibility.

How old did women have to be to vote in Britain?

30 or older.

Where did ideas for social security and benefits come from?

Great Britain

What was the Third Republic?

A type of gov't giving them a republic constitution.

Why was there little sense of unity in Italy?

Because of the differences of the poverty situation south and the industrialized north.

Who was the Prime Minister of Germany?

Otto van Bismarck

Who was the Emperor of Germany?

William II

What did Germany believe expansion would do?

Would increase profits and divert people from democracy.

Where was bloody Sunday and what was it?

In St. Petersburg Germany, and it was when Russian troops opened fire on peaceful cemonstratesin which killed 100s.

What is the Duma?

The Defense of Marriage Act which protected marriage between a man and woman.

Who was the father of communism?

Karl Marx

In the communist manifesto, Proletarian were?

Middle class.

What's petroleum used for?


Why were more goods bought?

Paid more, massive production.

Was Italy's government corrupt?

Yes, they were.

Though America was the richest country in the world, their problem was that

the rich were too rich, and poor were too poor. 71% owned by rich, and the other 9% were poor.

Germany was the most powerful country in the late?

1800s to 1900s.

What is the 13th amendment?

abolishing of slavery.

What's the 14th amendment?

citizenship to African American.

What is the 15th amendment?

gave African American men the right to vote.

Did Abraham Lincoln want to punish the South?

No, he didn't.

Who was the Czar of Russia?

Nicholas II.

What were nations main reason for expansion?


What was the homeland for the Jews?


Anti-semitism means

hating jews.

Zionism was

for jews.

Does America use functionalism?

Yes, so that buildings are built faster to serve a purpose rather than taking years to create.

What are some reasons the Jews have been persecuted since the Middle Ages?

1. They're blamed for murder of Christ.

2. They don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah.

3. Historically, they were bank loaners.

What was Charles Darwin's theory?

Survival of the fittest, that only the strongest survive.

What was the Aryan race?

the perfect race.

Why did Germany get mad at Russia?

Serbia/Russia didn't want Austria-Hungary annexed by Germany, but Germany told the Russians that if they intervened then they will have to fight the Germans. The Russians didn't weren't capable of fighting another war at that present moment due to their previous war with Japan in which weakened them.

What is capitalism?

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

What is socialism?

a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

What is communism?

a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

What's the difference in white/blue collar workers?

Blue collars workers were hands on workers while white collars were office workers.

What did Sigmund Freud do?


What is a pogrom?

an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group, in particular that of Jews in Russia or eastern Europe.

Who wrote the Rite of Spring?

Igor Stravinsky.

What were some of the places America annexed?

Hawaii, Samoan Island, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Phillippines.