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101 Cards in this Set

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to start cracking up

petar-se de riure, esclafir a riure


split, divided

["a cleft palate" ; "a cleft lip", "a cleft foot"].




irascible, bad-tempered, in a bad mood, crabby, tetchy, huffy

"no et preocupis, ja ho solucionaràs"

[o "ja te'n sortiràs" o "ja te n'empescaràs alguna"]

don't worry, you'll figure it out!

"una cara feta puré"

a mushed-up face

[to mush up = fer puré]

assignatura de lliure elecció


to bum

1. to hang around, to dawdle, to bum, to idle, to do nothing, to loaf.

2. to obtein by asking, to cadge ["gorronejar"].

[bum = cul ; a tramp, a vagrant ; vago]

I got a bum note

vaig treure una nota de merda ("del cul").

una mentida pietosa, una petita mentida

a white lie

to reach out

acostar-se, atansar-se a

el retrovisor

the rearview mirror

to flounder

1. walk with difficulty [clumsily], to fumble.

2. have difficulties.

[flounder = a kind of fish]

"no li vaig veure la gràcia al fet d'anar-hi"

I didn't see the point in going there

"pobre del qui m'ha ratllat el cotxe" (perquè li'n caurà una de bona)

I pity the fool who scratched my car

[it was a famous catchphrase from "Mr T" in "The A-Team" series]


fringe ["serrell"]


a kind of shoe

to twirl

to turn, to spin

"és molt exigent si la tens a mates"

"she's really strict if you get her for math"


Someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. A dork is also someone who can be themselves and not care what anyone thinks.

"estàs sent molt groller!"

you're being so obnoxious!

[annoying, disagreeable, displeasing]

"com si això et donés la raó!"

as if that proves your point!

"vaig començar a seguir-la, però ell es va posar just davant meu"

"I started to follow her, but he cut right in front of me"

[to cut right in front of = posar-se de través, tallar, bloquejar]

"aquest era el senyal per a dir-li a la mama que realment me'n volia anar"

that was my signal for my telling Mom if I really wanted to leave.

perdre la noció del temps

to lose track of the time


tremolors, nervis


a delicatessen, a kind of shop

to schlep

1. to traipse, to move slowly or laboriously.

2. to carry clumsily, to lug.

to traipse

to schlep, to move slowly or laboriuosly.

to lug

to drag laboriously

it'll be a bit of a schlep

serà una jornada dura

[to schlep = to traipse, to move laboriously]

to hog

to take more than one's share

["the dog was hogging the bed"]

to go out of sb's way to do sth

fer tot el possible per a fer algo

["he went out of his way to tell me that"]

"actua d'una manera davant d'adults i d'una altra davant de nens"

he's one way in front of grown-ups and another way in front of kids

"tenien posicions contraposades sobre si jo hi havia d'anar o no"

they had reversed sides on wether I should go or not

to take attendance

passar llista

[attendance book = llibre d'assistència]

ground rules

basic rules

["we need to agree on some ground rules before we go any further"].

una escriptura descuidada

a sloppy writting

she sat down across from me

va seure davant meu, encarada cap a mi

[across from = davant de, encarat cap a]

cool beans!

com mola!


something bequeathed ["llegat, deixat en herència"]

to bequeath

llegar, deixar en herència

"vindríem a ser com la Bella i la Bèstia"

we're kind of like Beauty and the Beast

"algú va riure's de la teva cara?"

did someone make fun of your face?


1. mocós, amb mocs ["runny-nosed"].

2. overly conceited or arrogant.

[snot = moc]


fora! fot el camp!

to snuggle

arraulir-se, acurrucar-se

to scooch over

fer fora, apartar, fer lloc

["I was snuggling with the dog on the bed when Dad scooched him over gently"].

to make a good cal

prendre una bona decisió

["it was a good call Mom made, your going to school"]

huffy with

irascible, bad-tempered, crabby, cranky, tetchy

dir entre plors [mentre s'empassen mocs o llàgrimes]

to say between sniffles.

to say between snuffles.

"els senyals que fèiem servir per a mesurar el seu estat d'ànim ja no hi són"

The signs we used to gauge his moods are all gone.


"quan vull que se'n vagin, ho entenen sense que jo hagi de dir res"

When I want them to go away, they get it without my having to explain.

a ringer for sb

a dead ringer for sb

la viva imatge d'algú

el doble d'algú


1. esportista

2. jockstrap = an elasticated belt with a pouch worn by men, esp athletes, to support the genitals.


un santet [pejoratiu]

to bob

1. to go or move up and down.

2. to have a short haircut.

a long shot

1. a venture that involves great risk but promises great rewards.

2. a contestant that is unlikely to win.

it's a long shot but...

no crec que surti bé però tanmateix...

[to be a long shot = something that will probably not succeed but is worth trying]

tenir un nus a la gola

fer-se un nus a la gola

to have a lump in sb's throat

un terròs de sucre

a sugar lump



eccentric, quirky, freaky, queer

no s'havien molestat a posar-me al dia de l'assumpte

they hadn't bothered to clue me in on the subject


small-mindedness, meanness

["mesquinesa, estretor de mires"]

to poke fun at sth

enfotre's d'alguna cosa

"fanfarroneja davant de la gent que..."

he brags to people that...

to rib sb [about sth]

enriure's d'algú, prendre el pèl

for crying out loud!

per l'amor de déu!

mare meva!

"tothom de la meva edat"

everybody my age

"ficar-se en una conversa"

1. to break into a conversation.

2. to chime in.

"des que em va robar els anells, no en vull saber res d'ella"

since she stole my rings, I do not have anything to do with her anymore.

"què hi té a veure, això?"

what does that have to do with anything?


luxuriously elegant

pantalons de campana


to outlast sth/sb

1. to last longer than sth.

2. to survive sth.

una noia gòtica

a Goth girl

to squish

1. to squash, to squeeze.

2. to make wet sound, squishing sound.


teensy, teeny = tiny

["to cut into teensy-weensy bites"]

"Em sorprèn que t'hagin deixat en pau tan fàcilment".

"Em sorprèn que te n'hagis pogut sortir tan barat".

I'm surprised they let you off the hook that easily.

to bump

to hit slightly

"els testos s'assemblen a les olles"

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

to ooze

to exude slowly, to seep, to leak

1. "No vaig somriure, com si algú pogués dir que ho vaig fer".

2. "No vaig somriure, com si això importés".

1. I didn't smile, not that anyone could tell if I had.

2. I didn't smile, not that it matters.

["Not that I care" = "com si això m'importés"]

["Not that I like it" = "com si això m'agradés"]

"Com si això suposés gaire diferència"

Not that it makes much a difference.

to huddle

1. to close up, to crowd, to gather.

2. to have a short talk.

high five!

give me five!

[hand-slapping gesture]

tenir polls

to catch the cooties

"és super pacient amb les coses, però no quan es tracta d'arribar tard a la feina"

he's super patient about things, but not when it comes to his being late for work.

"em va ajudar a posar-me dempeus"

she helped me to my feet

"tenir una febrada"

to run a temperature

"imagina-te'l perdent-se Halloween!"

imagine his missing Halloween!

"quedar-se endarrerit en els estudis"

to fall behind with the class work.

to fall behind in class.

"hi ha una possibilitat d'una entre dos"

there's a one-in-two chance

"he decidit 'cortar por lo sano'"

I've decided to make a clean break for it


arrogant, boastful, cocksure, conceited

"tenir accés a [un grup]"

"poder accedir a [un grup]"

to gain entry to [a group]

"estar boig per algú"

"enamorar-se bojament d'algú"

to have a crush on sb

to be a trouper about sth

a reliable, uncomplaining, hard-working person.

"considerant que..."

"tenint en compte que..."

1. considering that...

2. bearing in mind that...

"això no hi té cap relació de cap manera"

it really has no bearing on anything at all

a biggie

[slang] an important question, a serious matter