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87 Cards in this Set

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"ser marginat de"

"ser apartat de"

to be sidelined from

"xisclar amb totes les forces"

to shriek at the top of his lungs

the last bit was getting to him

l'última "acció" li estava arribant [al cor], l'estava afectant

[bit = a way of behaving?]

quote unquote

[es diu al final d'una frase per a dir que era cita literal]

estar enfadat amb algú

to stay mad at sb

to be angry with sb

to be pissed of with sb

doncs quin merder!

doncs quina merda!

what a bummer!

that's a bummer!

what a mess!

"fotre-li el discurs a algú"

to give sb a whole speech

pinky swear

[fer un jurament creuant els dits petits o "pinkies"]

"tenir una segona oportunitat"

to have a do-over

"això em va costar anys d'aprendre a pronunciar"

that took me forever to learn how to pronounce

to be a Googy-Two-Shoes

to be a goody-goody

["ser un santet"]

"sabia que estaries a l'altura de les circumstàncies"

I knew you'd rise to the occasion

"mai no en vaig tenir la més mínima possibilitat"

I never stood a chance [of doing sth]

gazillions of

un fotimer de


"això ja m'està bé, mira si em preocupa"

that's ok to me, see if I care.


overly sweet


"està tan lluny del grup dels populars com et puguis imaginar"

he's just as far from the popular group as you can get.


disgusting, horrible, creepy, repugnant, sickening.

["It was a slushy day: rainy and yucky"].


1. half-melted [ice, snow]

2. romantic, sentimental.


disordered pile, confused mix

to bawl

1. cry, weep loudly.

2. shout, yell.

to diss

to treat rudely, to insult

the inside scoop

[on sth]

la informació interna, el que es diu entre bastidors

"ningú no s'ho va creure, oi?"

no one bought into that, right?

"només perquè ho sàpigues: jo..."

just so you know, I...

a giveaway

1. a gift, sth given for free.

2. sth revealing the truth, telling.

the gist of

the central idea of, the sense of...


"no vaig poder seure amb ell"

"no vaig tenir valor per seure amb ell"

I couldn't bring myself to sit with him

to spud

to sprout, to germinate.

[spud = kind of potato]


cur, mongrel

["gos pataner"]

"pura xiripa"

total fluke

"saber d'oïdes"

"saber per rumors"

"m'ho ha dit un ocellet"

to hear through the grapevine


1. the act of bending down.

2. a porch.

3. a basin for holy water.

to stoop

to bend, to crouch, to lower yourself


active, lively

"ratllat amb ombres"

streaked with shadows

to be wiped out

to be exhausted, knackered




cuca de llum

to flit

to move rapidly, suddenly (and usually secretly)

—"vinga, home!"

—"no, vinga home tu!"

—oh, come on!

—you, come on!

scrunched up

wrinkled, tensed, creased, crinkled

[scrunched up face]



2. a team representing the university.

like seeks like

"els semblants es busquen"


to snitch, to blabbermouth

to play Monkey in the Middle

jugar a passar-se una pilota entre un grup de gent, i provar que la persona que es troba al mig no la intercepti.

to cringe

to flinch, to draw back with fear

"el gos ha estat vomitant per tot arreu"

the dog's been throwing up left and right


a stand-in-actor, a substitute.

["actor suplent"]


old, feeble; shaky.

"vol estar sola"

1. she wants to be alone.

2. she wants de alone time.

"no vull revelar el final, però..."

I don't want to give away the ending, but...

"m'he equivocat en un parell de versos" [al teatre]

I flubbed a couple of lines

"això va fer miracles per la meva popularitat"

that did wonders for my popularity

"quedar-se en blanc"

"anar-se'n el sant al cel"

to draw a blank

["I don't know what I was going to say, I'm drawing a blank"]

"ella i jo vam estar malparlant d'ell entre nosaltres"

she and I badmouthed him to each other.


goody-goody, goody-two-shoes


a kind of biscuit [usually served as a campfire treat]

"de nosaltres tres, ets el millor"

out of the three of us, you're the best.

"no tenia pensat agafar teatre"

I wasn't planning on taking theater.

"no va ser gaire ràpid" [a l'hora d'agafar una broma]

he wasn't very swift

to prep

to prepare


1. a thick wool fabric ["lona"?]

2. a coat or bag made of duffel.

tenir problemes, estar amb l'aigua fins al coll

to be in hot water

["you'd be in real hot water with him if you don't come"]

to be pumped

ser animat [lit. "ser bombejat"]

"va ser devorat viu pels mosquits"

he was eaten alive by mosquitoes


gigantic + enormous


concession stands

parades de negocis


palet ["rayuela"], jocs de nens amb un dibuix pintat a terra i pel qual s'avança saltant ["hopping game"].

jugar a l'estira-i-afluixa

to play tug-of-war.

[also known as tug o' war, tug war, rope war, rope pulling, or tugging war]

"no podia esperar que [ella] arribés a casa"

I couldn't wait for her to come home.

"ser molestat"

"patir bullying"

to be picked on, to be bothered, to be baited, to be snapped at, to be molested, to be miffed.

to broach

to bring up for discussion or debate.

to be in the loop

to keep informed, to be part of a group.

[to be out of the loop = not to be part of a group]


smart, stylish

["elegant, a la moda"]

"presentar càrrecs"

to press charges [against]

"les coses es van posar una mica difícils amb ell"

things got a little hairy with him

"no crec que aquest cotxe sigui adequat per a tu"

1. I don't think this car is a good fit for you.

2. I don't think this car fits for you.

[fit for = be adequate, suitable]

to leave for later, to put off

[with an idiom]

to put sth on the back burner

"fogó, foc de la cuina"

1. stove [de foc?]

2. hotplate [vitro?]

3. hob, hob plate.

[The whole equipment for cooking is the "cooker"]

"posar-se ranci" [menjar]

to go stale, to get stale.

to put in a good word for sb

to say in support of sb

["sortir a defensar algú"]

"pots parlar-li de mi?"

"pots dir-li algo de mi?"

could you put in a word for me?


pot, flower holder, planter, jar

[/va:z/ in the UK] [/veiz/ in the US]



1. "preferiries ser a casa".

2. "preferiries que jo fos a casa".

[with "rather"]

1. you'd rather be home.

2. you'd rather I was home.

de zero, de nou, des del començament

anew, afresh, from scratch, from the beginning.