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53 Cards in this Set

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French and Indian War
fought over?
ownership of the Ohio River Valley
Treaty of Paris 1763
ended what war?
ended French and Indian War
britain gets canada, all land east of miss. river, and florida
France is no longer a colonial power in North America
Grenville Acts
Proclamation of 1763- colonists couldn't move past appalachians
Sugar act of 1764- coffee, wine, sugar
Stamp act of 1765- all papers needed official stamp, paid british soliders
Quartering act- colonists had to provide housing for british soldiers
Stamp Act Congress
NY 1765, delegates from 9 colonies called upon British to repeal stamp act. they did in 1766.
Townshend Acts lead to...
formation of Sons of Liberty
Boston Massacre
what happened?
the british response?
March 5, 1770
Sons of Liberty harassed British soldiers who killed 3 colonists and wounded others
British repealed all acts but tea tax
Boston Tea Party
when? what happened? why?
Dec 16, 1773
sons of liberty disguised as Native Americans and dumped tea overboard to protest Parliament's attempt to give East India Company a monopoly on tea trade
First Continental Congress
September 1774
All colonies but Georgia sent representatives to meet in Philadelphia
Created Continental Association to enforce boycott of British goods
Battle of Lexington and Concord
April 1775
first shots of American Revolution
Second Continental Congress
May 1775
George Washington commander-in-chief
Olive Branch Petition to King George III
Federalists wanted...
strong national government provided by the constitution
no single faction could control the government
Federalists were
-well-organized group in regular contact with each other
-had g. washington
Anti-Federalists wanted...
-to protect state governments and the rights of individuals
-thought America would have a king- betrayal of American rev
-bill of rights
Anti-Federalists were...
local and state politicians who could not coordinate their activities on a national level
popular sovereignty
the people are the ultimate source of governmental power
judicial review
power of the courts to declare acts of Congress and the president to be unconstitutional
the division of power among a central government and the several state governments
Virginia plan
Edmund Randolph
-bicameral national legislature
-each state would send reps in proportion to its population
New Jersey Plan
William Paterson
-executive and judicial branches
- every state would have an equal vote in the bicameral congress
The Great Compromise
July 16, 1787
-legislature w/ two houses (VA Plan)
-Senate- each state would have same number of reps (NJ plan)
-House of Reps (number of reps based on state's population)
Hamilton's Economic Plan-debt
full payment of domestic debt- government bonds and certificates held by americans
full payment of all foreign debt
assumption of state debts
Hamilton's Economic plan
excise tax- tax on manufacture, sale, or consumption of goods
protective tariff-high tax on imported goods
money management- establish a bank of the united states
How many amendments to the Constitution?
what year did the constitution go into effect?
Washington's precedents
established a tone of dignity, made the government powerful and democratic, established a cabinet.
Market Revolution
change in the way americans made, bought, and sold goods after the war of 1812
War of 1812
France v. Britain
both countries used blockades against the other's trade.
americans continued this risky trade and were hurt more by the british
-forcing american sailors to work on their ships
-violation of our "freedom of the seas"
-british didn't remove their ports
war hawks
john c. calhoun
henry clay
demanded war against britain to acquire Canada and against Spain (Britain's ally) to get Florida
Declaration of war- opposed and supported
opposed by the states in the northeast (maritime interests)
supported by south and west (territorial expansion)
when all tasks involved in making a product were carried out in one place
free enterprise system
an economic system in which companies compete for profits
wealth that can be invested to produce goods and make money
bank note
a piece of paper that banks issued to their customers
factories changed the american economy by...
increasing the production and supply of goods and turning it into a free enterprise system
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
established a process by which territories could become states
land act of 1800
Americans were able to buy land in small parcels and on credit
Monroe and Livingston
were sent in 1803 to buy New Orleans, instead bought Louisiana for $15 million
embargo act of 1807
outlawed trade with all other countries. Jefferson.
Monroe Doctrine
1. u.s. would not get involved in internal affairs of European countries
2. the u.s. recognized the existing colonies and states in the Western Hemisphere and would not interfere with them
3. the U.S. would not permit any further colonization of the Western Hemisphere
4. any attempt of a European power to control any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as a threat to the U.S.
Mexico became independent in
Who started the first settlement of Americans in Texas?
Stephen Austin
In 1834, who became president of Mexico?
Lopez de Santa Ana
What year did Texas declare its independence from Mexico?
Who was the first president of the republic of texas?
Sam Houston
Who was the president of the US when the US annexed Texas?
protective tariff
north- in favor- industries
south- against- bought imported goods from europe, prices would go up
west- gen. in favor- produced and sold food to north
internal improvements
north- in favor- need to get goods from west
south- gen. against- goal to export cotton in north and europe
west- favored- get their goods to north
cheap land
north- against- afraid of losing workers
south- in favor- want settlers to make more states
west- divided
south- strongly in favor- center of their existence
President age, length of term
35, 4 years
senator age, length of term
30, 6 years
house of rep age, length of term
25, 2 years