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34 Cards in this Set

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Goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
1. Study the plant and animal ife in the newly purchased territoy
2. Map out the rivers and waterways
3. Establish a friendly relationship with the indians
4. Establish a claim for the U.S. on the Pacific Coast
Reason's for the debate over the purchase of the Louisianna Territory
1. Jefferson did not have the authority to just purchase land like that
2. The U.S. didn't even have the money to pay for the land, so they had to borrow
Indian female who helped lead the Lewis and Clark expedition
Treaty of Cession
1803 - Treaty that purchased the Louisianna Territory by Jefferson
Robert Livingston & James Monroe
diplomats that Jefferson sent to France in order to purchase a small amount of Louisianna Territory
Napoleon Bonaparte
Absolutist ruler of France who sold Louisinna territory to Jefferson
Embargo of 1807
by Jefferson who hoped to peacefully coerce Britain and France into trade- devastated the economy - no exportation of American goods ANYWHERE
Reasons for the War of 1812
- Impressment of American sailors by the British navy
- Encouragement of Indian attacks on settlers
U.S.S. Chesapeake is attacked by H.M.S Leopard
- Occupation of forts in Ohio River Valley
- Blockade of the Atlantic coastline
Era of Good Feelings
during James Monroe's presidency
- good because there was only one political party: democratic republicans
- there's no national war consuming the U.S.
-Begining of the industrial revolution
- westward expansion
Missouri Compromise
Maine comes in as a free state- Missouri as a slave state
- from that point forward slavery would be probited in any states above the 36,30 parrallel
Panic of 1819
as the west opened up and more people moved, they had less supply and more demand- meaning that prices went up and credit was easy
-exports go down
-west expansion up
-easy credit
Bank of U.S. stabilizes the economy
Adams - Onis Treaty
Spain exchanges Florida for the forgiveness of $5mil debt
-U.S. gives up Texas
Industrial Revolution
primarily in transportation and communication
first industry to develop is the textile industry
Lovell, Massachusetts
where textile industry develops
Election of 1824 and 1828
Both are dirty campaigns- first is John Q. Adams, in 28' its Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
first western President- carried the west and the south
Jacksonian Democracy
-spoils system
- intense distrust of eastern establishment
- indian removal
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
said that they were a domestic independent nation- said that georgia has no authority over them
Jackson said marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it
Henry Clay
The Great Compromiser
1832 National Republican nominee
Martin Van Buren
winner of the 1836 election- rode on the coat tails of the democratic Jackson
- nicknamed Old Kinderhook
Labor Movement
New York's workingmen's party
10 hour days, Martin Van Buren eventually also lowered federal work hours to 10
American System
19c economic plan by Henry-Clay and Hamilton
- National Bank
- High import tarrifs- good for american business b/c it supports buying american
- federal dollars for internal improvments
Adams put it into place
Spoils System
to the victor goes the spoils
coined by Jackson
Kitchen Cabinet
name of Jackson's close knit cabinet members
William Lloyd Garrison
leader of white abolitionist group
slavery and masonry undermined republican values
immediate immancipation with NO compensation
"The Liberator" abolitionist newspaper
Frederick Douglas
black who gained his independence
"North Star" abolitionist paper
David Walker
1829- Appeal to the coloured citizens of the world- pamphlet
to fight for freedom rather than wait for whites to do it
black abolitionist
American Anti-slavery society
1833 founded by Tapan and William Lloyd Garrison
White abolitionists
liberation from understanding and the cultivation of reasoning
"Transcend" the limits of intellect and allow the emotions, the SOUL to create an original relationship with the universe
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry david Thoreau
transcendentalist writer
-wrote walden
Second Great Awakening
"spiritual reform from within" religious revivalism
Social reforms and redefining the ideal of equality
- temperance, asylum, penal,, abolitionism, womens rights
Samuel Cornish
one of founders of American Anti-slavery society
was a presbyterian minister, abolitionist and journalist
Freedom's Journal
first African-American owned and published newspaper in New York
Educational Reform
Horace Mann is credited with the development of public education
Three R's
Promoted McGuffey Eclectic readers- standardized textbooks