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102 Cards in this Set

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Bonus Expeditonary Force
15000 WWI vetrans gathered across from Capitol hill, setting up shanytowns called "Hoovervilles," as Congress debated a bill that would give vetrans immediate cash pensions.

Hoover was totally against it and the Senate eventually shot the bill down. As a result, most BEFs left, however some stayed because either they had no place to go or else they wanted to press their cause futher. What happened was Hoover sent out the Army to get them to leave. Civilians were tear-gassed, shantys burnt down, ppl chased after by horsemen and guns.

Eleanor Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt's relative that FDR married. She played a prominent role in shaping public policy during the time of FDR. Very influencial first lady

she helped shaped the second new deal by influencing FDR to pick activists to be part of his administration that wer committed to progressive causes
Brain Trust
FDR's advisers that helped him shape public policy
university professors
social workers
National Industrial Recovery Act
was based on the belief that "destructive competition" had worsened industry's economic woes.

the act authorized competing businesses to cooperate in crafting industry wide "codes." Essentially they would get together and limit production, establish industry wide prices for their goods, and set worker's wages
Were businesses required to participate in the National Industrial Recovery Act mandate?
No, however those that did got to display a little blue eagle on whatever they sold

the government told the public to boycott those products that didn't have blue eagles on them
how successful was the National Industrial Recovery Act
it faced serious problems

big business dominated negotiations
NRA staff did not have the training to stand up to the face of big business corporate america (ended up giving into bribes a lot)

the NRA did not deliver economic recovery and was eventually ruled as unconstitutional
Second Hundred DAys
equivalent to the Second New Deal where FDR introduced a range of progressives programs aimed at providing greater security for the average man.
Wagner Act
Also known as the National Labor Relations ACt

guarenteed workers the right to organize unions and to bargain collectively

created the National Labor Relations Board
Committee for Industrial Organization
John L Lewis the nation's most prominent labor leader started it. gave maginal wokers greater employment security and the benefits fo collecdtive bargaining
Dust Bowl
The Dust Bowl was a series of dust storms (sometimes referred to as black blizzards)causing major ecological and agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairie lands from 1930 to 1936 (in some areas until 1940), caused by severe drought conditions coupled with decades of extensive farming without crop rotation or other techniques that prevented erosion.
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels, and, in the opinion of most economists, worsened the Great Depression. Economists have now generally regarded this Tariff Act (i.e., tax increase on imported goods) as the greatest policy blunder in American economic history, coming as it did after the 1929-30 recession and preventing the economy from a full, natural recovery which had already started by the Spring, 1930. Many countries retaliated with their own increased tariffs on U.S. goods, and American exports and imports plunged by more than half.
What helped break down regional boundaries throughout the 1930s
what was one of the largest forms of entertainment throughout the depression
what did the radio offer americans
immediate access to political news
an escape (had shows for kids and moms)
gave people a chance to participate in events they never could have experienced before like listening to the opera
what entertainment industry thrived during the depression
going to movies

it helped homogenize americans by giving them a shared set of vicarious experiences
What was roosevelts supreme court plan?
to pack it with 6 new justices that he knw would uphold new deal legislation; however, congress shot him down
What was the Supreme Court's reaction to the New Deal before 1937
Most New Deal legislation was ruled unconstituional and was unsympathetic to emergency new deal needs
what was different about the supreme court reaction to the new deal after 1937
the court turned more "liberal" in ideology and held up some new deal legislation like the Wagner Act. Some justices retired and FDR got his wish of adding in justices that would be pro new deal
how did the new deal affect african americans
african americans didn't receive a lot of benefits

however WPA jobs helped 1/3 of african americans provide for their families
what was one main reason the new deal was racially unequal in benefits
because of the relationship between local and national power. Even though national legislation was passed, ultimately local government decided to enact it how they wanted.

ex: In ther south, african americans received lower relief payments than whites
did roosevelt try to help african americans
yes, however, he was caught up in a political world where he had to compromise his willingness to help AA in order to still have democrat support
What is the view related to the new deal being a failure
-some believe that the New Deal squandered opportunity to enact true political and economic change. those fostering this idea believe that roosevelt was a pragmatist whose goal was to perserve the american system
what did roosevelt strengthen through the new deal/his time as president
-the power of the presidency, giving it independence and strength
-increased federal government power to regulate the economy and help society through federal programs
what reinvigorated the american economy?
World War II

not the new deal
Dawes Plan
reduced Germany's annual loan debt payments, extended its repayment period, and provided still more loans to it
a new method that the US adopted in its foreign policy relations with latin america

it aimed to bring closer ties between north and south america
Neutrality Acts
Signed by Roosevelt there were a series of pieces of legislation that sought to distance the US from European disputes.

ex: Neutrality At of 1935 prohibited arms shipments to either side in a war once the presiden had declared the existence of belligerency.
Jiang Jieshi
Chaiang Kai-shek (aka) who ousted communist Mao Zedong.

he was a christian and anti-bolshevism (or at least that is how americans viewed him)
What was the initial us reaction to european upheaval?
the US didn't want anything to do w/ Europe because they didn't want another situation like WWI (by that point 2/3 of americans regretted it)
what actions did the US take as a result of the european upheaval
-signed Neutraility Acts (see other card)
-the Nye Committee sought out to find that a lot of corporate involvement had increased the dynamic of european tension and sought to stop it.
what was roosevelts view of the european situation?
originally he carried an isolationist view, however it began to change over time, especially as he viewed the human rights attrocities occuring in Germany

he slowly starting preparing the nation for war w/o the american public knowing.

ex: he helped swat down a bill that would require a national referendum before a declaration of war
What initially lead to hostility between Japan and the US
both were heavily involved in China

as japan gained power in china they sought to oust western influence.

Japan was also cranky about the US anti-immigration law against them

there was also commercial rivalry of japan and china for imports into america
manchurian crisis
1931 japanese militarily took over machuria from china

the global community did little to chide japan for its actions
What caused the increased ties between the US and Allies
-americans favored britain and france
-when france was defeated by germany, it looked like britain was going to receive a full on invasion and america began to wonder if they were going to be the next german target
-as a result the US began selling arms to britian and france
Selective Training and SErvice Act
the first peactime military draft in american history

called for the registration of all men between ages 21 and 35

roosevelt did this because he wanted to keep the US out of the war by stabilizing british forces and bases
Atlantic Charter
a 4 day period where Churchill and Roosevelt met for 4 days and came out w/ atlantic charter

aims: collective security, disarmament, self-determination, economic cooperation, and freedom of the seas.
Greer incident
within days of signing the atlantic charter a german ship launched torpedoes at the american destroyer the Greer.

this lead to an undeclared naval warfare with germany
What were other events that lead to more tension between america and japan before pearl harbor
roosevelt put an embargo on shipments of aviation fuel and scrap metal to japan

later after japan entered french indochina roosevelt basically froze all trade w/ japan

japan and the us met to talk about stuff but neither wanted to meet each others demands
why was peal harbor successful
the jap airplanes/carriers avoided being detected by turning off their radios

the planes swept the unsupecting naval base in honolulu

other factors: roosevelt hadn't adequately prepared the base to be on guard (which should have been done considering that japan and the us weren't getting along)
-base commanders were too relaxed believing that HI was too far away from japan
Edward R. Murrow
was an American journalist and television and radio figure. He first came to prominence with a series of radio news broadcasts during World War II, which were followed by millions of listeners in the United States and Canada. Mainstream historians consider him among journalism's greatest figures; Murrow hired a top-flight cadre of war correspondents and was noted for honesty and integrity in delivering the news.
bracero program
200,000 Mexican farm workers that were offered short term contracts to fill agricultural jobs left vacant as americans sough well-paid war work during WWII
zoot suit riots
young mexican american gang members that wore zoot suits were attacked for 4 days but mobs of white men (mainly soliders and sailors) and were stripped of their clothing.

the city of LA outlawed zoot suits and arrested men who wore them

this is an example of the racial tensions during the time of WWII
D Day
June 6 1944

the largest amphibious military landing in history of 200,000 allied troops under the command of genreal Dqight D Eisenhower in Normandy France
Battle of the Buldge
named so because of the buldge 60 miles deep and 40 miles wide where german troops had pushed back the allied line

this battle lasted for a long time but eventually the aliles gained control of late Jan of France and Belgium
yalta conference
a time when allied leaders began planning peace b/c they were doing so well in the war
who were the powers that met at the yalta conference
what did britain want from the yalta conference
it wanted to gain colonial power again by limiting soviet power, and wanted control of germany
what did russia want from the yalta conference
wanted reparation from germany to assist in the massive task of rebuilding at home

they wanted to expand their influence throughout eastern europe
what did the us want from the yalta conference?
wanted to expand its influence and control

FDR wanted the United Nations Organization

reenforcment of WWI ideals (self-determination, decolonization, etc)

US wanted to limit pwr of soviets
what was the agreement of the yalta conference
some of eastern germany would be used to form poland
the rest of germany would be divided into four zones of control
what did the yalta conference symbolies among th allies
it was the high point of the "Grand alliance"

showed give-and-take among the allies
potsdam conference
began in mid-july among the allies

FDR died so truman was present

the grand alliance was falling apart and the ideals of the yalta conference began to crumble.

Truman was impaitient
island hopping
american military tactict in the pacific of taking control of the weak islands and skipping the strong ones to stand the japanese armies at their island outposts
battle of midway
americans vs. japan

used the strategy of island hopping

US won
what was the japanese strategies
hiding in caves/trenches/underground tunnels so that they were out of the way of US air bombs

kamikaze (suicide) attacks
what were some potential reasons why truman decided to bomb the japanese?
to demonstrate the bombs power to the national community (particularly the soviet union)
desire for retaliation
after WWII when many of the empires were disintegrating. the colonies that were once part of this empire became independent nations; however, they had little guidance to govern themselves and hold up financially. many of these nations began to make up the new third world
John Foster Dulles
the Secretary of State for President Einsenhower

he was Einsenhower's right hand man that was very involved in US diplomacy

very anticommunist
Hungarian Rebellion
Nkita Khrushchev, Stalin's succesor in the Soviet, called for a peaceful coexistence betweeen capitalists and communists and denouced Stalin. Revolts against the Soviet power began in Poland and Hungary.

Hungary then announced its withdrawl from the Warsaw Pact and then the Soviet army came in, battling students and workers in the streets of Budapest which lead to stopping the rebellion.
U-2 incident
a U-2 spy plane w/ high powered cameras crashed in the Soviet Union. Moscow took credit for shooting it down. A CIA pilot was captured and the Soviets demanded a US apology for invading Soviet airspace. the US refused to do so.

Before this event a peace summit was going to happen between the US and Soviets but because of this incident the Soviets walked away from the summit
why was the US interested in the third world?
new nations could buy american goods and technology

they could also supply materials that the US needed

new nations would invite investments
Were most third world nations open to US hegemony?
No most third world nations didn't want to do anything w/ the US because the wanted to end the economic military and cultural hegemony of the US
what did the US try to do in third world countries?
thwart nationalist, radical, and communist challenges by pouring in foreign aid, propaganda, and development projects that would favor the US
what were the attitudes that the US developed towards the third world
US viewed the third world as a "weak woman" and racist attitudes and segregation practices permeated into their politics

result? negative foreign policy relations with the third world
how did the US solve its racism problem in relations w/ the Third World?
When the decision overturning segregation in Brown vs. Board was announced. The US broadcasted it in 35 different languages around the world
what was the goal of development projects in the third world
to modernize the thrid world to an american standard because the US thought that our standard was the best for everyone
Guatemala intervention
became a test case for intervention in third world countries

A new leftest leader Arbenz was elected who promised land reform. Currently, a US fruit company owned a majority of the land. To stop Arbenz the US began to fuel communist rumors about him and used the CIA to ship arms and fuel a revolution in Guatemala that would drive out Arbenz and favor the US
The Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro lead an anti-american rebellion that ousted the Cuban leader that had been an American ally. Eisenhower ordered the CIA to fuel military force to the Cuban exiles to start a revolution to get rid of Castro. Castro appealed to the Soviets for help, and they did. Eisenhower cut off diplomatic ties w/ Cuba
Arab-Israeli conflict
There was tension in the middle east between jews and arabs. To make ammends for them to peaceably live together the problem was eventually turned to the hands of the UN, who voted to split palestine into separate arab and jewish states. this lead to the creation of israel.

US recognized jewish state which hurt relations w/ arab oil companies.
Suez Crisis
the US offered to help Egypt build the Aswan Damn that would help Nila farmers; however Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. Nasser was about nationalism and getting rid of imperialist forces.

Fearing that this would hurt their trade, France, Britian and Israel invaded Suez. Einsenhower was PISSED because they didn't consult him and, fearing Egypt would ask for help from the Soviets, he told them to back out ASAP.
Eisenhower Doctrine
The US would intervene in the Middle East if any government threatened by a communist takeover asked for help
US involvement in Vietnam
The French has lost control of Vietnam. Eisenhower tried to get involved and fuel coalitions that would benefit the US and kick out communism, but he failed to get support because ppl didn't want "another Korea"
Geneva Accords
temporarily divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel

north and south vietnam weren't allowed into military alliances
what did the US do in vietnam after the geneva accords
they began CIA operations against the north and americanized the southern vietnam culture
Fullbright Program
including the Fulbright-Hays Program is a program of grants for international educational exchange for scholars, educators, graduate students and professionals, founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright. It is considered one of the most prestigious award programs and it operates in 144 countries. The Fulbright Program has 37 Nobel Prize Winners among its alumni, more than any other scholarship program of its kind.

The US-UK Fulbright Commission was created by treaty on 22 September 1948
nonaligned movement
is an international organization of states considering themselves not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. It was founded in the 1950s
Jackie Robinson
broke the major league color barrier for baseball and "electrified" Brooklyn Dodger fans w/ his spectacular hitting and base running
Brown v Board of Education
case which outlawed school segregation
montgomery bus boycott
Rosa Parks refused to giv eup her seat to a white man on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama

This began a movement for all african americans to boycott the city's bus system

it lasted a little over a year and ended when the supreme court said that alabama's bus segregation was unconstitutional
describe what was happening economically to middle class americans in the 1950s
Americans in the middle class were more prosperous. They contributed to the economic boom by buying a lot, particularly goods that weren't available during the war.

Because of the economic prosperity labor and managment relations were more peaceful as well
What lead to economic growth in the Sunbelt area?
government leglistation giving tax breaks/stimulating the economy

oil industry
real estate development
foreign investment
the new middle class america was dominated by what ethnicity and why?
caucasian/white because of the immigration quotas passed in previous decades that favored europeans
how did new middle class members seek instruction as to how to live their lives?
the media
What were the images that television portrayed as the "proper american"
women are clean cut/well groomed, very polite. Bascially, be June Cleaver from "Leave it to Beaver"

parents "gently but firmly" guided children when they were placed in a moral dilemma

violence was never an answer to solving family disputes
what was america's trend regarding religion in the 1950s?
a lot of americans were turning to organized religion
elaborate on marriage and families in the 1950s
most people married young
families and experts supported this primarily to prevent premarital sex

many young families were quick to having kids (on average 3) completing families before they left their 20s
elaborate on gender roles in 1950s families
males were the breadwinners and females were the homemakers
elaborate on women in the workforce in the 1950s
many women felt isolated by the suburban life, so to "branch out" women took on jobs and also balanced a family life.

women wages were 60% of what males received
"crisis of masculinity"
belief in the 1950s that masculinity and a man's need for adventure was being inhibited by women's "satisfaction" for comfort and security/domenstication
elaborate on sexuality in the 1950s
heterosexual intercourse within marriage was the only thing that was socially acceptable

severe consequences could result if one acted outside of these bounderies (ie premarital or homosexual) including loss of job, or being shunned by family and friends
elaborate on youth culture
with the baby boom there was an unprecidented amount of youth (young kids, teens) and the american media jumped on advertising to them

Popular items were Mr. Potato Head, and Disneyland's Davey Crockett

Hollywood began producing movies with a teen audience in mind.
What was the predominant thing that defined yout h culture?

sounds of chuck berry, little richard, and buddy holly, etc.
what attitude prevailed in the 1950s that lead to environmental degradation
fueled by big business marketing schemes to build products that weren't meant to last, but instead be replaced. Americans found a need to replace items that were "out of date" whether or not they were still useful.
In the 1960s the US contained ____ amount of the world's population but consumed _____ of the world's resources

elaborate on environmental degradation in the 1950s
extreme use of non-reusable energy resources like coal and oil. Little environmental regulation lead to a lot of industry pollution.

Water resources were heavily used up in order to fill swimming pools and water golf courses
Who were the countries worst polluters?
defense contractors and farmers

Why defense contractors?
Because they dumped refuse from nuclear weapons all throughout the colorado rockies

why agriculture?
Use of extensive pesticides
a chemical used as a pesticide in agriculte on the pacific island that kills mosquitoes and lice
Rachel Carson
wrote "Silent Spring" which brought to the attention of many americans the devastasting impact of DDT on mammals
elaborate on racism in the 1950s
although legislation was being passed, in practice racial discrimination went unchallenged in american society
discuss poverty in the 1950s
poverty became increasingly present in urban areas

since the middle class was moving to suburbs the impoverished were left in the inner cities
who were America's poorest people in the 1950s?
Native Americans
Little Rock crisis
The Little Rock Nine were a group of African-American students who were enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957. The ensuing Little Rock Crisis, in which the students were initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school by Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus, and then attended after the intervention of President Dwight Eisenhower, is considered to be one of the most important events in the African-American Civil Rights Movement.