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38 Cards in this Set

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Who was the president at the start of WW1?

Woodrow Wilson

Who was a part of the Triple Entente?

France, U.K., and Russia (sometimes Ireland)

Who were the central powers during WW1?

Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Italy (at first)

What was the start of WW1?

Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austria, was assassinated by Serbian blood

Who first declared war on who during WW1?

Austria/Hungary on Serbia

Who was Serbia's ally during WW1 and joined the war?


When did WW1 begin?

August, 1914

What new technology did Germany have during WW1?


Who attacks France during WW1?


Belgium was neutral during WW1, until when?

Until Germany tried to attack France by going through Belgium.

What was the "rape of Belgium"?

Germany attacked France through Belgium and killed innocent people

What was the Lusitania?

A ship going from NYC to England that was blown up by a German Uboat

What must Germany do before attacking others?

Warn them first

Why does the U.S. trade more with the Entente than the Central Powers?

Germany is blockading everything, plus US is unwilling to help Germany

What was the Zimmerman Telegram?

A German telegram sent to Mexico

What did the Zimmerman Telegram say?

They ask Mexico to keep the U.S. out of the war, and in return Germany would award Mexico with Southwestern U.S.

What was the Russian Revolution?

The Tsar was doing a **** job, people were starving. They overthrew the Tsar. He executed people. He was ****.

What were some of the 14 points?

Peace without victory, open transparent diplomacies, league of nations, free trade, self-determination,new Nations created, reduce militaries

Who created the 14 points and who disagreed with them?

Wilson created them, the Entente didn't like them.

Who wanted to end imperialism and how did they want to do it?

Wilson, he wanted to destroy it through the League of Nations

Who was Wilson's enemy?

Henry Cabot Lodge

What was the result of the Treaty of Versailles for the United States?

Senate voted to reject Treaty

What was the red scare?

The fear of reds- communists, socialists, anarchists

What was the Espionage Act and the Sedation Act?

Fines and prison sentences for loosely defined anti-war activities

What were the Palmer raids?

Planned by Hoover, government agents broke into homes without warrants and arrest thousands

The 2nd KKK started when???

During the red scare, many blacks were lynched

What is the Red Summer?

Race riots that destroyed two dozen cities

Why were there many strikes in 1919?

People were being overworked and some didn't have jobs from the war. Bombs were sent to people's homes

What was the Sacco and Vanzetti trial?

Two Italian anarchists found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, the trial focused on the fact that they were anarchists tho

What was the bonus army?

WW1 veterans wanted their bonuses promised to them during the Depression

What was the Good Neighbor Policy?

Latin American policy states that no nation had the right to intervene in the affairs of another

How did Eleanor Roosevelt help civil rights?

Helped black men during the New Deal get powerful positions

Indian reorganization act?

Ending forced assimilation and restoring Indian lands to tribes

What were the neutrality acts?

Shipments of military material can not be sent to those at war

What was the tripartite pact?

Military pact that if one went to war, they all went to war

What was D Day?

The day that France was finally invaded

What does Stalin hope to gain from the war?

Sphere of influence

What is MAGIC?

The US is intercepting diplomatic messages between other nations