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82 Cards in this Set

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Rapid breathing
Absence of breathing
Breathing deeper and more rapid than normal
High levels of carbon dioxide in the blood
Decreased amount of air being moved in and out of lungs
Increased amount of air being moved in and out of lungs
Minute Volume
The amount of air moved in and out of lungs per minute
Respiratory Minute Volume
total volume moved in and out of lungs per minute
Alveolar Minute Volume
Amount of air available for gas exchange per minute

Minute ventilation = (tidal volume)(breaths/min)
Dead Space
Regions of the respiratory system that contain air but are not exchanging °2 and CO2 with blood are considered dead space (conductive bronciholes)
Alveolar Ventilation
Alveolar Ventilation = (Tidal volume - dead space)(breaths/min)
Cardiac output =
heart rate x stroke volume
Resting Tidal Volume
500 ml
Average Volume of the anatomic Dead Space
150 ml
normal respiration rate
14-16 breaths per minute (15)
Alveolar Minute Volume
Breaths per minute x (volume per breath - anatomic dead space) = 15 x (500-150) = 5250 ml/minute
Steps in the Mechanics of Respiratoin
1. Ribs expand and diaphragm contracts (pleural volume increases, intra pleural pressure decreases)

2. Patm > Palv, alveolar volume increases as lungs expand thus decreasing the pressure in the alveoli below atmospheric pressure
3. As air enters lungs, increased volume of air raises pressure and when pressure in the alveoli = atmospheric presure than air flow ceases (Patm =Palv)

4. Reverse (ribs/diaphragm relax, decreases alveolar and pleural volume increasing pressure and forcing air out due to Patm < Palv)
Mechanics of breathing

On inspiration, alveolar and pleural pressure decreases bc of increased surface area (Pressure = Force/Area); on expiration alveolar and pleural pressure increases due to decreased volume of the cavity which forces air out
Residual Volume: Amount of air left in lungs after full exhalation

Tidal Volume: Air moved in and out during normal resting respiration

Vital Capacity: Total amount of air the lungs can move in and out per breath
How would left heart failure influence ventilation?
Left heart failure would result in pulmonary edema which would lead to fluid accumulation in the lungs. This would initially reduce ventilation that would lead to compensatory changes resulting in increased rate and depth of breathing
How would right heart failure influence ventilation?
Right heart failure would result in decreased blood flow to the lungs. This would initially reduce oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal which would lead to compensatory changes resulting in increased rate and depth of breathing
How would pulmonary edema affect ventilation?
Fluid would decrease the volume of the alveoli

Fluid would decrease gas exchange

Fluid would alter the compliance of the lungs

Fluid would affect ventilation/perfusion ratio
How would muscle pathologies influence ventilation?
Decreased muscle function would lead to the inability to change volumes of the chest cavity as the ribs or diaphragm would either be more difficult to move or not move at all; (paralysis, guillain barree syndrome, myasthenia gravis, neurological disorders or poisons)
How will obstructive lung blockage affect volume and capacities?
Increase residual volume
How will restrictive lung disease affect lung volumes and capacities?
Decrease total lung capacity
Volume of air that can be expired in the first second of forced maximal expiration; it's normally 80% of the forced vital capacity

FEV1/FVC = .8
Tidal Volume
Volume inspired or expired with each normal breath
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
Volume that can be inspired over and above the tidal volume; is used during exercise
Expiratory Reserve Volume
Volume that can be expired after the expiration of tidal volume
Residual Volume
Volume that remains in the lungs after a maximal expiration; cannot be measured by spirometry
A person with a tidal volume (Vt) of 0.5L is breathing at a rate of 15 breaths/min. The PC02 of his arterial blood is 40 mmHg, and the PC02 of his expired air is 36 mmHg. What is his rate of alveolar ventilation?
Inspiratory Capacity
Sum of tidal volume and IRV
Functional Residual Capacity
Sum of ERV and residual volume
Volume remaining in the lungs after a tidal volume is expired
Includes the residual volume so it CANNOT BE MEASURED BY SPIROMETRY
Vital Capacity/Forced Vital Capacity
Sum of the tidal volume, IRV, and ERV; volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a maximal inspiration
Total Lung Capacity
Sum of all four lung volumes; volume in the lungs after a maximal inspiration; includes residual volume, so it cannot be measured by spirometry
How would asthma affect FEV1?
In obstructive lung diseaes, FEV1 is reduced more than FVC so that FEV1/FVC is decreased
How is FEV1 affected in fibrosis?
In restrictive lung disease, both FEV1 and FVC are reduced and FEV1/FVC is either normal or is increased
Dorsal Respiratory Group
Inspiration; generates the basic rhythm for breathing

Input: Vagus and glossopharyngeal
Output: Phrenic nerve to diaphragm
Ventral Respiratory Group
Expiration; not active during passive breathing; activated during exercise when expiration becomes an active process
Apneustic Center
Stimulates inspiration, producing deep/prolonged inspiratory gasps (apneusis)
Pneumotaxic Center
Upper pons

Inhibits inspiration; regulates inspiratory volume and respiratory rate
Hering-Bruer Inflation Reflex
Prevents overinflation of lungs; stretch receptors in smooth muscle of bronchi/bronchioles send inhibitory signal through vagus to DRF/apneustic center
Where are dentral chemoreceptors located?
Medulla; must occur IN THE CSF

CO2 crosses BBB, reacts with water to decrease pH
Neural Effects of H+ and C02
Increased PC02 = increased ventilation
Where are peripheral chemoreceptors located?
Cartid bodies located at bifurcation of common carotids
Aortic bodies located above and below the aortic notch
relatoinship between arterial P02 and breathing rate
Decreases in arterial P02 stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors and increase breathing rate; when P02 decreases below 60 mmHg breathing rate rapidly increases
Increases in arterial PC02
Stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors and increase breathing rate; potentiate stimulation of breathing caused by hypoxemia
How is venous PC02 affected by exercise?
Increases during exercise bc excess C02 produced by exercising muscle is carried to the lungs in venous blood
How is dead space affected by exercise?
pulmonary blood flow increases because cardiac output increase during exercise. As a result, more pulmonary cpaillaries are perfused and more gas exchange occurs.
The distribution of V/Q ratios throughout the lung is more even during exercise then when at rest, thus there is a decrease in physiologic dead space.
Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Explained
When a person overbreathes, thus blowing off too much carbon dioxide from the pulmonary blood while at the same time increasing blood oxygen, it takes several seconds before the changed pulmonary blood can be transported to the brain and inhibit the excess ventilation. By this time, the person has already overventilated for an extra few seconds. Therefore, when the overventilated blood finally reaches the brain respiratory center, the center becomes depressed an excessive amount. Then the opposite cycle begins.
Sleep Apnea
Loud snoring/labored breathing after falling asleep; snoring interrupted by long silent period during which no breathing occurs; periods of apnea result in significant decreases in P02 and increases in PC02, which stimulate respiration -> sudden attempts to breathe (loud snorts, gasps, followed by snoring and repeated episodes of apnea)
Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
Partial pressure = (total pressure)(fractional gas concentration)
Pressure of air around us
760 mmHg
Assume that total pressure is atmospheric and the fractional conc. of 02 is 0.21. What is the partial pressure of dry inspired air (P02)?
P02 = 760 mmHg x 0.21 = 160 mmHg
Why must the total pressure be modified for tracheal air?
Tracheal air is humidified (H20 vapors) at 37C and thus the calculation is modified to correct for the partial pressure of H20, which is 47 mmHg

P tot = (760 mmHg - 47 mmHg = 713 mmHg

P02 (tracheal) = (713)(.21) = 150 mmhg
Physiologic shunt
2% of the systemic cardiac output bypasses the pulmonary circulation; the resulting admixture of venous blood w oxygenated arterial blood make sthe P02 of arterial blood slightly lower than that of alveolar air
Why is the partial pressure of P02 decreased to 100 and the PC02 increased to 40 in alveolar air?
P02: 02 has diffused from alveolar air into pulmonary capillary blood, decreasing the P02 of alveolar air

PC02: C02 has been added from pulmonary capillary blood into alveolar air
What does putting oxygen on a pt who is saturating at 100% do?
Increase dissolved oxygen (which is normally about .3 ml 02/100ml blood
What things shift the Hb-02 curve to the right
Right shifts occur when the affinity of Hg for 02 is decreased; facilitates unloading of 02 from arterial blood to tissues
What things shift the Hb-02 curve to the left
Left shifts occur when the affinity of Hg for 02 is increased (high Hg sat at lower P02)
What is the difference in P02 between alveolar air and systemic arterial blood (pulmonary capillaries)?
No difference; they are equilibrated at 100
What is the difference between PC02 in alveolar air vs systemic arterial blood (pulmonary capillaries)?
No difference; they are equilibrated at 40
What is the main form of C02 transport in the blood?
HC03 (from hydration of C02 in the rBCs); 90%
Carbonic Anhydrase
Hydrates C02 in RBCs to form HC03 + H
Chloride Shift
HC03 leaves RBCs in exchange for Cl- and is transported to the lungs in the plasma (HC03- is major form in which C02 is transported to the lungs)
What buffers H+ inside RBCs?
What happens to C02 once it is in the lungs?
All the tissue reactions occur in reverse

HC03- enters RBCs in exchange for Cl-. HC03 recombines with H+ -> H2C03 which decomposes into C02 and H20; thus C02 generates in the tisuses is expired
Why is there a slight left shift in CO poisoning?
Binding of CO to Hg increases the affinity of remaining sites for 02, causing a shift of the curve to the left
How does a physiologic shunt affect V/Q?
V/Q < normal
Low ventilation
How does a physoilogic dead space affect V/Q?
V/Q > normal
Wasted ventilation
Where in the lung is V/Q/ highest?
At the apex (top of the lung); P02 is highest and PC02 is lower bc there is more gas exchange (bc blood flow is slowest here)
Where in the lung is V/Q lowest?
At the base (base of the lung)
P02 is lowest and PC02 is higher bc there is less gas exchange
Condition that results in a lower than normal pH (7.1-7.3), <7.1 = fatal
Higher than normal pH, 7.44-7.69, >7.70 can be fatal
A condition that adds acid to the blood or removes bases from the blood
A condition that adds bases to the blood or removes acids from the blood
Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory acidosis is a condition that occurs when the lungs cannot remove all of the carbon dioxide the body produces. This disrupts the body's acid-base balance causing body fluids, especially the blood, to become too acidic; can be caused by an increased rate of respiration (short trip to higher elevation, hyperventilation, respiratory stimulants)

Kidneys will increase bicarbonate secretion to balance
Respiratory Alkalosis
Respiratory alkalosis is a condition marked by low levels of carbon dioxide in the blood due to breathing excessively.

can be caused by anxiety, fever, hyperventilation
A 6 year old child is seen in the emergency room. He is wheezing and has a bluish hue to the mucosal membranes. His mother indicates the child has been diagnosed with asthma. Does the child have respiratory acidosis or alkalosis?
Acidosis (not blowing off their C02?
A 55 year old man is seen in the internal medicine clinic. His major compliant is shortness of breath, a condition that has become progressively worse over the last 5 years. He is a 2 pack a day smoker. Stat labs reveal the following:

Plasma concentrations
HCO3- = 40 meq/l
K+ = 4.5 meq//l
HCT = 45+
Hb = 12 mg/dl
Plasma protein 6.0/dl
Glucose = 80 mg/dl
BUN = 12 mg/dl
Creatinine = 1.4 mg/dl
Arterial PCO2 = 70 mmHg
pH (arterial) = 7.35

Does he have respiratory acidosis or alkalosis?
Acidosis (not blowing off his C02)
A 23 year old woman is in the delivery room. She is in hard labor. Her Lamaze coach has instructed her to “puff and blow” when the labor pains become intense. She was told to bring a small paper bag with her to breathe into during the labor pains. The purpose of the bag is to prevent her form developing respiratory acidosis or alkalosis?
Respiratory alkalosis; she hyperventilates, is not blowing off C02 and thus becomes mroe acidic, preventing respiratory alkalosis
What side chain on hemoglobin and albumin allows them to function as protein buffers?
Histidine; these residues can donate and accept H+ at physiologic pH making them good buffering agents

A buffer functions effectively within one pH unit of its pKa