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20 Cards in this Set

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At what age do children develop left or right handedness?
3-6 years
What are the parts of the limbic system?
- Amygdala
- hippocampus
- hypothalamus
True or false, the prefrontal cortex is developing during early childhood?
What are some of the benefits to the maturation of the pre-frontal cortex during the first 2-6 years?
- sleep becomes more regular
- emotions become more nuanced and responsive
- temper tantrums subside
Which of Piaget's stages is an infant?
sensorimotor stage
Which of Piaget's stages is a 3-6 year old?
Preoperational Stage
Which of Piaget's stages is a 7-11 year old?
Concrete Operational
Which of Piaget's stages is a teenager in?
Formal Operation
What happens during Piaget's pre operational stage?
- gains in symbolic/representational understanding and pretend play
- cannot yet engage in organized, formal, logical, mental processes
What are some of the thought limitations that kids in the pre operational stage have?
1. Lack of conservation
2. Lack of hierarchical classification
3. lack of theory of mind
What does the mountain task show?
The mountain task is when you show a child a small mountain and ask if someone on the other side of the mountain would see the same thing. Kids in the pre operational stage think that the person on the other side would see the same mt view because they are egocentric
How does language affect a child's theory of mind
- more sophisticated language predicts Theory of Mind
- Culturally mediated
ex. Chinese have lots of words to describe others where as Quenchua don't
- Theory of mind predates reading level
What are some factor that contribute to a person's theory of mind?
- make-believe play
- older siblings
- social interactions
- cognitive abilities
- maternal mindedness, secure attachments
- effortful control, flexible thinking, planning
Apprentice in thinking
Vrgotsky's term for a person whose cognition is stimulated and directed by older and more skilled members of society
Zone of proximal development
Virgotsky's term of the skills - cognitive as well as physical - that a person can exercise only with assistance, not yet independently
Temporary support that is tailored to a learner's needs and abilities and aimed at helping the learner master the next talk in a given learning process
At what age should a child's language be intelligible
4 years old
At what age do kids usually have no speech impediments?
True or false:Kids in the initiative vs. guilt stage are very confident
False - kids have an overly strict superego
Which stage and to what psychologist does the statement "I am what I imagine I will be"?
- Initiative vs. guilt
- Erikson