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51 Cards in this Set

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"disorder where signals from multiple senses are processed in wrong cortical area"
"process where receptors in sensory organ is activated-allows stimuli to become neural signals in brain"
"converts outside stimuli
"JND / diff. Threshold"
"smallest difference in stimuli noticable 50% of time"
"absolute threshold"
"lowest level of stimulation that one can detect consciously 50% of time "
"tendency of brain to ignore constant info (hearing i.e. AC)"
"sensory adaptation"
"tendency of sense receptors to become less responsive to constant (taste
"visual accomodation"
"change in thickness of lens as focus changes from close to far"
"visual receptors in back of retina ‚ non color low light"
"visual receptors in back of retina ‚ color vison/sharpness"
"blind spot"
"area in retina where axons exit eye to form optic nerve ‚ insensitive to light"
"dark adaptation"
"recovery of eyes in darkness ~30"
"light adaptation"
"recovers of eyes in light ‚ much quicker"
"trichromatic theory"
"theory of color vision R G B"
"Opponent-process theory"
"theory of color vision 4 colors in pairs ‚ RG
"waves per second"
"visible part of ear"
"auditory canal"
"tunnel from pinna to eardrum"
"snail shaped structure inner ear ‚ liquid filled"
"auditory nerve"
"bundle of axons from hair cells in inner ear"
"higher frequency (hz) highter pitch"
"place theory"
"diff. Pitches are received by diff. Hair cells in corti HIGH FREQUENCIES"
"frequency theory"
"speed of vibrations in basilar membrane LOW FREQUENCIES"
"volley principle"
"frequencies about 100 Hz causes hair cells to fire in volley ex 300hz = 3 groups x 100hz "
"the sensation of taste"
"olfaction (olfactory sense)"
"sensation of smell"
"olfactory bulbs"
"areas of brain above sinus cavity/below frontal lobes ‚ receives info from receptors"
"somesthetic senses"
"body senses consist of: skin senses
"-skin senses: sensations of touch
"-kinesthetic senses: sense of location of body parts in relation to each other / ground"
"-vestibular senses: sensations of movement
"sensory conflict theory"
"explanation for motion sickness where info from eyes differs from that of vestibular"
"how sensations are organized/interpreted"
"size constancy"
"tendency to see an object as same size
"shape constancy"
"tendency to interpret shape of object as constant even when shape changes on retina"
"brightness constancy"
"T to P apparent brightness of object as same even when light changes"
"T to P objects as existing on BG."
"reversible figures"
"visual illusion"
"T to P objects that are close as part of the same grouping"
"T to P things that look similar as part of the same group"
"tendency to close figures- that are incomplete"
"T to P things as simply as possible w/ continuous pattern vs complex"
"T to P 2 things that happen in close time to be related"
"depth perception"
"ability to perceive world in 3-D"
"monocular cues"
"cues for perceiving depth with 1 eye"
"binocular cues"
"cues for perceiving depth with 2 eyes"
"rotation of eyes to focus on 1 object > con. For closer < con. For farther"
"binocular disparity"
"diff. In image for 2 eyes > closer < farther"
"perceptual set"
"T to P things a certain way based on previous experience"
"Top-down processing"
"use of pre-existing knowledge to organize individual to whole"
"Bottom-up processing"
"analysis of smaller features to build up to a complete perceptionl"