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25 Cards in this Set

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How do you distinguish Brief psychotic d/o v schizophreniform d/o v schizophrenia

Durtation of sx (criterion A). BPD < 1 mo sx; schizphreniform is 1-6 months (including prodrome sx); schizophrenia is > 6 mo sx (including prodrome + at least 1 month of active sx)

Distinguish MDD w/ psychotic features v schizoaffective d/o.

In a patient with concurrent depression and psychosis. MDD psychotic sx occur ONLY in context of depression. SAD, look for psychotic sx for 2 weeks in ABSENCE of depression and pt should meet criteria for BOTH MDD and schizophrenia.

How do you distinguish Brief psychotic d/o v schizophreniform d/o v schizophrenia

Durtation of sx (criterion A). BPD < 1 mo sx; schizphreniform is 1-6 months (including prodrome sx); schizophrenia is > 6 mo sx (including prodrome + at least 1 month of active sx)

Distinguish MDD w/ psychotic features v schizoaffective d/o.

In a patient with concurrent depression and psychosis. MDD psychotic sx occur ONLY in context of depression. SAD, look for psychotic sx for 2 weeks in ABSENCE of depression and pt should meet criteria for BOTH MDD and schizophrenia.

PTSD v Acute stress d/o

Major difference is duration of sx. PTSD req sx > 1month. ASD requires sx for less than 4 weeks. Both occur w/in 4 weeks of index trauma. Both require 3 symptom clusters: re-experiencing, hyperarousal and avoidance/numbing. ASD also requires 3 sx of dissociation.

Social phobia v panic d/o

social phobia is specific to an uncomfortable social situation and panic attacks may be present (triggered by situation). Panic d/o requires h/o recurrent, unexpectected/untriggered panic attacks and after at least one of these there must be a period of > 1 month where pt has significant anxiety about having another attack (2/2 unexpected nature)


OCD - presence of obsessions or compulsions that don't respond to simple re-assurance. GAD = anxiety regarding many things (the "worry wart") but can usually recognize irrational nature of worries (better insight)

T/F: panic attacks are pathognomic for panic d/o

False. Panic attacks can exist in nearly any anxiety d/o and even be substance induced or d/t general medical condition. First distinction is if they are triggered --> insight into specific anxiety d/o.

BP I v BP II v Cyclothymic d/o

BP1: h/o manic or mixed episode; BP2: requires h/o hypomanic episode AND MDD episode. Cyclothymia: persistent mood episodes on most days > 2 yrs straight! (w/o euthymia for over 2 months)

MDD v dysthymic d/o

MDD: depression or anhedonia + 4 sx from SIGECAPS x 2 weeks. Dysthymic d/o: depression + 2 of ACHEWS (allergic to happiness - Appetite changes, dec concentrations, hopeless, dec energy, worthless, sleep) x 2 years w/o 2 mon euthymia

MDD v Bereavment

Time and functioning. Bereavement can last up to a year, but MDD is reserved for significant sx that last > 2 months AFTER LOSS. If pt is not functioning w/in the 2month a dx of MDD can be made(sx to suggest MDD are guilt, SI, worthlessness).

T/F: VH can occur in individuals suffering from bereavement

True. 30%

MDD v adjustment d/o

SEVERITY. sx meet criteria for MDD, then mood disorder (BP or MDD). If there is functional impairment w/ MDD criteria NOT met, then adjustment d/o.

somatoform d/o (somatization /do, hypchondriasis, etc.) v factitious d/o v malingering

somatoform = doesn't understand and does know why; factitious (munchausen's or M by proxy) = knows whats going on but doesn't appreciate why they're doing it (no clear secondary gain); malingering = secondary gain is clear

Body dysmorphic d/o v delusion d/o

BDD = excessive, strong beliefs about body's imperfections (45x increase in suicide!); Delusional d/o = single, isolated, non-bizarre (FBI following you)

primary d/o v. substance d/o v. d/o due to general medical condition

If you get a question where patient is taking a substance known to cause a particular syndrome (e.g interferon for depression) then its usually substance induced. Same goes for general medical condition (e.g. L frontal CVA or pancreatic CA --> depression). Primary means that it can't be due to the other two

T/F: Personality disorders are generally ego-dystonic.

False. They are egosyntonic, which means patient thinks that their sx are reasonable and appropriate (e.g schzoid perfers to be left alone and OCPD thinks its okay to be aperfectionist)

Differentiate Schizoid/typal vs schizophrenia

Schizoid = loner; odd interactions with others; Schizotypal = odd, eccentric personality; may have magical thoughts. BOTH LACK frank delusions, hallucinations and disorganization although they may display negative sx.

Avoidant v panic d/o with agoraphobia/social phobia

Difficult to differentiate. avoidant PD = egosyntonic to have thoughts of inadequancy and pervasive fear of not being accepted (drive to avoid contact). Panic d/o w/ agoraphobia/social phobia pts are driven BY ANXIETY. avoid contact in order to avoid having a panic attack.

Antisocial v intermittent explosive d/o

IED is characterized by discrete episodes of violent/aggressive behavior interspersed by much longer periods of remorse and non-aggressive behavior. They have significant regret v antisocial, who rarely express remorse.


OCPD = perfectionistic & rule driven, come off as cold toward others. OCD = defined by presence of either obsessions and/or compulsions > 1 hr/day

borderline/histrionic v cyclothymic/bipolar d/o

borderlines can't see shades of fray (splitting). They also evoke strong emotion from care providers (usually frustrations), and they routinely cause drama (parasuicidal thoughts/actions). Histrionics make extravagant shows and can be seductive. Cyclothymic is hypomanic and depressive sx for at least 2 years w/o 2month consecutive interval of sx free

What else goes on Axis II other than personality d/o?

MR (soon to be called intellectual disability).

What else goes on in Axis I besides psychotic, mood and anxiety d/o?

borderline intellectual functioning (IQ 71-84).

what is the 15/20/20/15 rule?

IQ < 15 is profound MR, 16-35 (15+20) severe MR, 36-55 (35+20) moderate MR, 56-70 (55+15) mild MR.