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84 Cards in this Set

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IQ tests

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) - ages 16-75
Stanford-Binet - ages 2-18

Objective personality test

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)

DSM-IV Schizophrenia

A)Two+ for at least 1 month:
1) Delusions
2) Hallucinations
3) Disorganized speech
4) Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
5) Negative symptoms
B) Causes social/occupational deterioration
C) At least six months (incl. prodromal or residual)
D) Not due to medical, neuro, substance

Schizophrenia subtypes

1) Paranoid
2) Disorganized
3) Catatonic
4) Undifferentiated
5) Residual

Criteria for Paranoid Type Schizophrenia

A) Preoccupation with 1+ delusions or frequent AH
B) No predominance of disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, or inappropriate affect

Criteria for Disorganized Type Schizophrenia

A) Disorganized speech
B) Disorganized behavior
C) Flat/inappropriate affect

Criteria for Catatonic Type Schizophrenia

At least 2 of:
A) Motor immobility
B) Excessive purposeless motor activity
C) Extreme negativism or mutism
D) Peculiar voluntary movements/posturing
E) Echolalia or echopraxia

1) Monozygotic concordance rate
2) Inheritance w/ 2 parents
3) Inheritance w/ one 1st degree relative

1) 50%
2) 40%
3) 12%

Dopamine pathways

1) Prefrontal cortical - negative sx
2) Mesolimbic - positive sx
3) Tuberoinfundibular - prolactin
4) Nigrostriatal - EPS when blocked

Neurotransmitter abnormalities in schizophrenia (non-dopamine)

1) ↑ serotonin
2) ↑ NE
3) ↓ GABA

Serotonin-antigonizing antipsychotics


In schizophrenia:
___ sx & ___ onset associated w/ better prognosis; ___ sx & ___ onset w/ worse.

Mood sx & acute onset associated w/ better prognosis; negative sx & gradual onset w/ worse.

SE of high potency neuroleptics
SE of low potency neuroleptics

High: EPS
Low: anticholinergic

EPS SE in order of onset

1) Dystonia
2) Akathisia
3) Parkinsonism
4) Tardive dyskinesia

Tx of EPS (except TD)

Anticholinergics (benztropine, amantadine)

Tx of TD


Most likely to cause NMS


Sx of NMS

High fever
Lead pipe rigidity
Elevated CPK

Which antipsychotic can cause irreversible retinal pigmentation?


Which antipsychotic can cause deposits in lens and cornea?


DSM-IV for schizoaffective d/o

A) Meet criteria for MDD, manic episode, or mixed episode, during which criteria for schizophrenia also met
B) Delusions/hall for 2 weeks WITHOUT mood sx
C) Mood sx for substantial portion of psychotic illness
D) Not due to medical condition or drugs

DSM-IV for Major Depressive Episode

A) At least five (incl. 1 or 2) for at least 2 weeks:
1) Depressed mood
2) Anhedonia
3) Change in appetite or weight
4) Worthlessness/guilt
5) Insomnia/hypersomnia
6) ↓ concentration
8) Fatigue/↓ energy
9) Recurrent thoughts of death/suicide

DSM-IV for Manic Episode

A) At least 1 week of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood w/ 3 (4 if irritable):
1) Distractibility
2) Inflated self-esteem/grandiosity
3) ↑ goal-directed activity
4) ↓ need for sleep
5) Flight of ideas/racing thoughts
6) Pressured speech/talkative
7) Risky activites

DSM-IV for Mixed Episode

Criteria met for both manic and major depressive episode, nearly every day for at least 1 week.

Hypomanic Episode

-At least 4 days
-No marked social/occupational impairment
-Does not require hospitalization
-No psychotic features

Sleep problems in MDD

1) Multiple awakenings
2) Initial & terminal insomnia
3) Hypersomnia
4) REM earlier in night
5) ↓ 3&4

Neuroendocrine abnormalities in MDD

1) High cortisol; failure to suppress in dexamethasone suppression test
2) Abnormal thyroid axis; blunted TSH response to TRH

Monozygotic and dizygotic concordance for MDD

50% and 10-25%

DSM-IV for Bipolar I

One manic or mixed episode

Monozygotic and dizygotic concordance for Bipolar I

75% and 5-25%

DSM-IV for Bipolar II

One+ MDE and 1+ hypomanic episode

DSM-IV for Dysthymic Disorder

A) Depressed mood most of the time on most days for at least 2 years (1 in chilren)
B) 2+ of:
1) Poor concentration/decision-making
2) Hopelessness
3) Poor appetite or overeating
4) Insomnia/hypersomnia
5) Low energy/fatigue
6) Low self-esteem
C) During the 2-year period:
1) Not without the sx for >2 months at a time
2) No MDE

DSM-IV for Cyclothymic Disorder

A) Numerous periods w/ hypomanic sx and periods w/ depressive sx for at least 2 years
B) Never sx-free for >2 months
C) No hx of MDE or manic episode

Neurotransmitter changes in anxiety

-↑ NE
-↓ serotonin

DSM-IV for panic attacks

Discrete period of intense fear and discomfort with at least 4 of:
-Shortness of breath
-Choking sensation
-Chest pain
-Fear of losing control/going crazy
-Fear of dying
-Numbness or tingling
-Chills or hot flushes

DSM-IV for Panic Disorder

1) Spontaneous recurrent panic attacks
2) At least one followed by at least one month of:
-Persistent concern about having further attacks
-Worry about implications of attack
-Significant change in behavior

Pharm tx for Panic Disorder w/w/o Agoraphobia

SSRIs first-line

DSM-IV for Specific and Social Phobias

1) Persistent excessive fear
2) Exposure causes immediate anxiety response
3) Pt recognizes fear is excessive
4) Situation avoided or tolerated w/ intense anxiety
5) If under 18, lasts at least 6 months

Pharm tx for social phobia

Paroxetine, beta-blockers


1) Either obsessions or compulsions
2) Pt is aware are unreasonable/excessive
3) Obsessions cause marked distress, are time consuming, or interfere w/ ADLs

Pharm & behavioral tx for OCD

Pharm: SSRIs, clomipramine
Behav: Exposure and response prevention (ERP)


-Traumatic, potentially harmful or fatal event; initial reaction intense fear or horror
-Persistent re-experiencing
-Avoidance of stimuli associated w/ the trauma
-Numbing of responsiveness
-Persistent sx of increased arousal
-At least one month

Pharm tx for PTSD

TCAs (imipramine, doxepin); SSRIs; MAOIs; anticonvulsants (for flashbacks and nightmares)

Time lengths in acute stress disorder

Event occurred <1 month ago
Symptoms last <1 month


1) Excessive anxiety & worry for at least 6 months
2) Difficult to control the worry
3) At least three of:
-Difficulty concentrating
-Muscle tension
-Sleep disturbance

Pharm tx of GAD

Buspirone; short course of benzos (clonazepam, diazepam); SSRIs; venlafaxine ER

DSM-IV of Adjustment Disorder

1) Development of emotional or behavioral sx w/in 3 months of a stressful (not life-threatening) event, producing either
-Severe distress
-Significant impairment in daily fx
2) Sx are not those of bereavement
3) Sx resolve w/in 6 months

DSM-IV for personality d/o

1) Pattern of behavior/inner experience manifested in 2+ of:
-Personal relations
-Impulse control
2) The pattern:
-Is pervasive & inflexible in a broad range of situations
-Is stable; onset no later than adolescence/early adulthood
-Causes sig. distress in fx
-Not accounted for otherwise

Cluster A
-Family assoc

-Types: schizoid, schizotypal, paranoid
-Assoc: psychotic d/os

Cluster B
-Family assoc

-Types: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
-Assoc: mood d/os

Cluster C
-Family assoc

-Types: avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive
-Assoc: anxiety d/os

DSM-IV for substance abuse

1+ year w/ 1+ of:
1) Failure to fulfill obligations
2) Use in dangerous situations
3) Recurrent substance-related legal problems
4) Continued use despite social or interpersonal problems due to the substance use

DSM-IV for substance dependence

W/in a 12-month period, 3+ of:
1) Tolerance
2) Withdrawal
3) Using more than originally intended
4) Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down
5) Significant time spent getting, using or recovering
6) Decreased social, occupational, recreational activities

Legal limit for intoxication in most states

BAL 80-100 mg/dL

Tx of acute EtOH intoxication

1) ABCs, electrolytes & acid-base
3) Thiamine, naloxone, folate

Pharm tx for EtOH dependence

Disulfiram, SSRIs, naltrexone (reduces cravings)

Tx of EtOH withdrawal

1) Tapering benzo
2) Thiamine, folic acid, MVI
3) MgSulfate for postwithdrawal sz

Sx of Wernicke's encephalopathy

1) Ataxia
2) Confusion
3) Ocular abnormalities (nystagmus, gaze palsies)

Sx of Korsakoff's syndrome

1) Impaired recent memory
2) Anterograde amnesia
3) +/- confabulation

Order of nutrients in Wernicke-Korsakoff

Thiamine BEFORE glucose

Effect of cocaine

Blocks dopamine reuptake

Pharm tx of
-Cocaine intoxication
-Cocaine dependence

-Intox: benzos, Haldol, sx tx
-Dependence: TCAs, dopamine agonists (amantadine, bromocriptine)

-Classic amphetamines
-Substituted ("designer") amphetamines

-Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), methylphenidate (Ritalin), methamphetamine (crystal meth)
-MDMA (ecstasy), MDEA (eve)

Effect of
-Classic amphetamines
-Substituted amphetamines

-Release dopamine from nerve endings
-Release dopamine and serotonin from nerve endings; stimulant & hallucinogenic

How long is urine drug screen + after cocaine use?

3 days; longer in heavy users

How long is urine drug screen + after amphetamine use?

1-2 days

Effects of PCP

-Antagonizes NMDA glutamate receptors
-Activates dopaminergic neurons

Drug similar to PCP


Pathognomonic sx of PCP intox

Rotatory nystagmus

How long is urine drug screen + after PCP use, and what else is often elevated?

>1 week; CPK & AST

Effect of

-Increase frequency of Cl channel opening
-Increase duration of Cl channel opening

How long is urine drug screen + after sedative-hypnotic use?

1 week

Tx of barbiturate intoxication

Alkalinize urine w/ sodium bicarb to promote renal excretion

Tx for benzo intoxication


What is the date rape drug?

GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate)

What is dextromethorphan?

An opiate

What can meperidine + MAOIs together cause?

Serotonin syndrome

How long is urine test + after opiate use?

12-36 hours

Sx of opiate withdrawal include

-Lacrimation, rhinorrhea
-Muscle ache

Which opiate does not cause miosis?


How long is urine test + after MJ use?

Up to 4 weeks in heavy users

How long is serum test + after inhalant use?

4-10 hours

Effect of caffeine

-Adenosine antagonist → ↑ cAMP
-Stimulant effect (dopaminergic)

Pharm tx for smoking cessation

Zyban (bupropion), clonidine