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43 Cards in this Set

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______ is considered to be the founder of scientific psychology, in part because he founded the first university-based psychology laboratory.

Wilhelm Wundt

What psychological school of thought claims that all knowledge is based upon sensory experience?


Colin argues with a colleague that one part of the brain controls anxious thoughts while another part controls the way they talk. What notion proposed in the nineteenth-century supports Colin's argument.

Localization of function

Which term BEST fits the definition of an idea, or a conceptual model, that is designed to explain existing facts and make predictions about new facts that might be discovered?


Laura wants to report on how many people have certain mental disorders in the largest cities in Wisconsin. She is planning to carry out _____ research.


Lisa is handing our surveys assessing recycling habits to her fellow students. What type of data-collection method is she MOST likely employing.


A psychologist is studying mastectomy patients in local hospitals to learn whether a patients age at the time of surgery is related to postsurgical emotional adjustment. The psychologist is carrying out a:

Correlational study

Bill finds that he has a very large standard deviation and he concludes that the scores in his data set are:

Very different from one another

To determine whether colleges men or women are faster sprinters, a researcher located 15 women at the sports complex and 15 men at the library and asked them to run a 100-yard dash. Suppose the woman ran faster than the men, and the results were statistically significant. The MOST justified criticism of this study is that are:

Samples were biased

Suppose a researcher measures intelligence by weighing participants on a highly accurate scale. This measure would have _____ reliability and _____ validity.

High; low

Suppose Craig hypothesized a strong relationship between hours spent Watching television and grade point average; namely, as the amount of time spent watching television increases, GPA suffers seriously. Which correlation coefficient would BEST support his hypothesis?


Jeremiah used to have dark brown hair but after spending a day in the sun, his hair became much lighter. Jeremiah's ______ was impacted by the sun.


Reproductive cells are produced by the process ______, while cells such as skin and muscle cells are produced by ______

Meiosis; mitosis

Some early scientists argued that if a beaver's tail became flatter and wider as a result of constantly using it to slap mid onto dams, that the beaver could pass it's relatively flat, wide tail to its offspring. That argument is called ______ and it it has since become _____.

The inheritance of acquired characteristics; discredited

Assuming that genes influence behavior directly, rather than through the interaction with the environment, is referred to as:

The deterministic fallacy.

In one of Pavlov's experiments, a dog learned to salivate at the sound of a bell. In this case, the bell was a(n) _____ and the salivation it elicited was a(n) _____ response.

Conditioned stimulus; conditioned

Although in the days following a serious car accident, Christine's muscles tensed every time she got into her car, this reaction eventually disappeared and Christine no longer felt tense. Christine was quiet surprised when, several months later, she got into her car and her muscles tensed. This renewal of the conditioned reflex with the passage of time is called :

Spontaneous recovery

Who paired noise (US) with a white rabbit (CS) and made a child fear white rabbits?

John B. Watson

The most clear example of an operant response is a dog :

Barks so you'll let him go outside

A pigeon is learning to peck a key for food. At first it receives food just for moving into the half of there cage nearest the key. Once it is spending all it's time there, food is only given when it bushes against the key. Once that behavior is established, the pigeon must touch the key with its beak before food is delivered. What technique is being employed?


Raymond does not like to clean his room, even when his parents continuously tell him to do so. For every day that he doesn't clean his room, his parents are taking away money, so he stops his messy behavior. This is an example of:

Negative punishment

An untrained chimpanzee that was present when it's trained mother used human-language symbols began to use some of the symbols himself appropriately. This could be considered an example of:

Observational learning

List the steps involved in scientific psychological research

1. Identify a clear question

2. Observe, collect data

3. Review data

4. Report data

What two disciplines ate the "parents" of psychology? Lost and define 2 other major paradigms ( schools of thought) within the modern (post 1875) field of psychology.

Philosophy & physiology.

2 major paradigms are behaviorism & functionalism

List the 3 (possibly 4) main goals of psychology

1. Describe

2. Explain

3. Predict

4. Possibly change behavior

What are the 3 characteristics of science?

Objective, systematic, and testable

How does the textbook define psychology?

The textbook defines it as the study of behavior and the mind

How did the teacher define psychology?

The teacher it as just the study if behavior

3 types of research strategies

1. Research design- experiments, correlation study, and descriptive studies.

2. The setting- field & laboratory

3. The data collection method- self report & observation

3 types of research strategies

1. Research design- experiments, correlation study, and descriptive studies.

2. The setting- field & laboratory

3. The data collection method- self report & observation

The variable that is hypothesized to cause some effect on another variable is an

Independent variable

3 types of research strategies

1. Research design- experiments, correlation study, and descriptive studies.

2. The setting- field & laboratory

3. The data collection method- self report & observation

The variable that is hypothesized to cause some effect on another variable is an ( factors that are hypothesized to influence dependent measures)

Independent variable

The variable that is hypothesized to affected is ( usually measures of behavior)

The dependent variable

Wha is a Correlational study?

The researcher does not manipulate any variable but observes or measures two or more already existing variables to find a relationship between them.

What is spontaneous recovery ?

When after a passage of time following extinction a condition reflex can be renewed

Reinforcing successive approximations to a desired response is known as:


Central tendencies

Mean, median, mode



Standard deviation

Naturalistic fallacy


Social Darwinists

Primary reinforcers

Stimulus that is inherently reinforcing for a species

Primary reinforcers

Stimulus that is inherently reinforcing for a species

Conditioned(or secondary) reinforcers

Stimulus that has acquires reinforcing value by being associated with a primary reinforcer