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36 Cards in this Set

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1. What are two ways to answer the question: what is a plant?
characteristics, phylogenetic relationships
2. What is the scientific name for the Green Plants?
4. What is the major component of the green plant cell wall?
5. What is the chemical structure of this cell wall component? How does it differ from starch?
polymere of glucose units: beta-1,4 glucopyranosides vs alpha 1,4-glucopyranosides
6. What is a microfibril?
made of cellulose, makes up cell wall
7. Are the Green Algae a paraphyletic or monophyletic group?
8. Are "Green Algae" multicellular or unicellular?
9. What are the major differences between a haplontic, diplontic, and haplodiplontic life cycle?
haploid (n), diploid (2n), haplodiplontic (2 stages n & 2n)
10. What is oogamy and what was involved in its evolution?
evolution of the egg, sperm evolved into a large non-motile gamete
11. What is the scientific name for the Land Plants?
12. Name an apomorphy of the Land Plants with respect to life cycle characteristics.
3. What are the characteristics of the green plant chloroplast with respect to:
a) chlorophyll types; A + B

b) storage product; starch

c)membrane structure; thylakoids stacked in grana
14. What is the ploidy level (n or 2n) of:
(n)= gametophyte, spore, archegonium/antheridium, egg/sperm

(2n)= sporangium sporophyte, zygote, embryo
15. Where does most cell growth occur in the Land Plants?
apical meristem
16. What is parenchyma?
generalized cell, type of ground tissue system, functions in metabolism and resumption of cell growth
17. What is the name of the protective layer on the outside of the epidermis that helps prevent water loss?
18. What is the name of the male gametangium of the Land Plants, what does it produce, and what is its function?
antheridium: produces sperm, protects against water loss
19. What is the name of the female gametangium of the Land Plants, what does it produce, and what is its function?
archegonium: produces/stores eggs, protects against water loss
20. Name the 3 major groups of "bryophytes" (basal land plants) in phylogenetic order.
Liverworts, Hornworts, Mosses
21. What are the two growth forms of the liverworts?
Leafy & Thalloid
22. What do some liverworts have that function in gas exchange?
23. What are the asexual propagules of some liverworts called?
gemma cups
24. What apomorphy is possessed by all Land Plants, except for the liverworts?
Stomates: (stomata) functions in gas exchange, guard cells open/close by turgor pressure
25. What is the function of stomates?
allow gas exchange (CO2 in, O2 out) and preven water loss
26. What is the growth form of the gametophyte and sporophyte of Hornworts?
cylindrical sporophyte
27. What is the growth form of the mosses?
28. What is the name of the filamentous, alga-like form of the moss gametophyte in its very early stage?
leafy- Gametophyte/ long stem- Sporophyte
29. What reproductive structures are formed at the tips of moss gametophytes?
antheridium/archegonium (i think…)
30. What is the name of the sporangium of a moss?
34. What does a sporangium produce and what process produces them?
spores: haplodiplontic cycle; meiosis
35. How do the gametophytes and sporophytes of "bryophytes" differ with respect to longevity and nutrition.
Game- dominant, long-lived/ Spore- short-lived, nutritionally dependent on the gametophyte
36. Name the genus and common name of the most economically important moss.
Sphagnum, Peat Moss
37. What is distinctive about Sphagnum moss that enables it to absorb and retain water so well?
tiny pores that retain water
39. What is peat?
partially decomposed sphagnum
40. What are the economic uses of peat?
fuel, potting media-
38. Sphagnum moss is a component of ___________ and acts to make the surroundings more ________.

(the surround water more) acidic