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62 Cards in this Set

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where does the most reduction in # of sperm?
the cervix. 97% get lost here
how long is the sperms survival window?
24-48 hours
What assists sperm transport in the uterus?
myometrial contraction due to prostaglandins from seminferous tubule,

and acts on estrogen primed tissue
where does fertilization occur?
in the ampulla of an oviduct
when does the acrosome reaction occur?
when the sperm his the zona pellucida (ZP2/ZP3)
when does a primary oocyte become a secondary oocyte?
during ovulation
when does a definitive oocyte get created?
upon binding of sperm
what makes a zygote?
pronucleus of sperm is oncorporated into the ovum

single celled embryo
what does the zona reaction do?
this prevents polyspermy
In what order do the following events occur in fertilization?
acrosome rxn
zona reaction
how long between does it take between implantation and fertilization?
6-8 days
what does progesterone do to help implantation?
this converts the uterus to secretory phase
what days are optimal for implantation?
days 20-24
what are trophoblasts? where are they?
these become the placenta eventually, they are the out layer of cells of the blastocyst
What is the name of the thing that actually implants in the uterine wall?
a blastocyst
what does the inner cell mass of a blastocyst do?
this becomes embryo
What are cytotrophoblasts, what do they do?
these are the innerlayer of the trophoblast- release hormones like CRH, GnRH, TRH
what do syncytiotrophoblasts do? what are they?
these are the outer layer of the trophoblast, secrete hCG

this replaces maternal endothelium (forms lacuna)
in what form does the fertilized egg implant in the uterus?
During pregnancy what secretes hCG?
both maternal and fetal
During pregnancy what does hCG do?
this has the same actions as LH, maintaining the corpus luteum to secrete progesterone and estrogen
During pregnancy what may cause morning sickness?
hCG maybe
During pregnancy why is hCG maintained following its peak?
adrenal/placental steriodogeneis, testosterone production


thyrotropic activity
what are hCG's like in a hydatidifrom mole?
constant slow rise in hCG levels, no leveling off
what are the hCG's like in ectopic pregnancy?
hCG rises more slowly than usual
what are hCG's like in fetal death?
levels rise normally, then fall off
What is the timeline for progesterone production during pregnancy? (what makes it when?)
1st 12 weeks- corpus luteum
after 12 weeks- placenta

but between weeks 6-12- both placenta and corpus luteum
what hormone is essential for implantation and maintenance of the fetus?
what signals the luteal to placental shift?
the drop in 17a-hydroxyprogestrone
What are the important things progesterone does?
inhibits myometrial contraction
inhibits prostoglands in uterus
converts uterus to secretory gland
development of alveolus and lobule in breast
how does estrogen change during pregnancy?
it increases during all of pregnancy

Estriol is the hormone of pregnancy
what hormone in the placenta regulated 20,22 desmolase?
hCG, this mimics LH
what is the precursor for estriol?

(this requires both the fetus and placenta)
What does estrogen do to prolactin?
this stimulates its release, but inhibits actual lactation from taking place
what does human chorionic somatomammotropin do?
this helps breast development

activates enzymes that produce breast milk


insulin antagonist (increases glucose)

"the hCS diet"
what makes Relaxin?
corpus luteum, decidua, placenta
What does relaxin do?
this relaxes pelvic ligaments and softens uterine cervix during birth
when is relaxin the highest?
during the first trimester
What cells make prolactin?
what two hormones control prolactin release?
Dopamine (inhibits it- ALWAYS)

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (stimulatory)
what hormone does not increase all throught pregnancy?
hCG drops off after the 1st trimester
what two hormones relax the pelvic ligaments for child birth?
estrogen and relaxin
What is the oxytocin receptor theory for labor induction?
increase in oxytocin receptors in myometrium, induced by increasing levels of E2

this premits strong coordinated contraction in response to normal oxytocin levels.
what is the fetal cortisol theory of labor induction?
fetal cortisol promotes conversion of progesterone into E2, which enters maternal blood.

estrogen increases
whats the placental clock theory of labor induction?
placental CRH increases with maturity.

this drives ACTH release-> more cortisol-> more CRH (positive feedbackloop)

CRH ALSO drives prostoglandin synthesis
What hormone is released during parturition? what way?
oxytocin is released in a pulsatile pattern.
how does the cervix affect oxytocin release during birth?
this creates a positive feedback loop as the baby is pushed into it
what hormone is responsible for labor and delivery?
what stimulates duct growth of the breast?
what stimulates development of the lobules and alveoli in breasts?
progesterone, prolactin, and hCS
what stimulates milk enzymes production?
how does cortisol affect estrogen and progestrone?
high cortisol ends up producing more estrogen
does lactation occur during pregnancy?
no, estrogen and progesterone are too high
What suppresses ovulation during lactation?
HIGH prolactin--

this inihibits GnRH, inhibits GnRH action, Antagonizes LH and FSH
what hormone is involved in milk let down?
what process studied does not involve a positive feedback loop?
What is colostrum?
this is what is initally produced by breast milk.

consists of protein, lactose, fat, IGA
how does the anterior pituitary change during pregnancy?
this size increases, due to estrogen stimulation of lactotorphs
What happens to thyroid binding globulin during pregnancy?
it increases, total t3 and t4 goes up
how does cortisol change during pregnancy? and cortisol binding protein?
both of these increase during pregnancy
how does PTH and vitamin D change during pregnancy?
both increase, needed to enhance Ca2+
What metabolic state are women in during the 1st 4 months? what about the latter half?
Anabolic state at first

catabolic state in the latter half (due to hCS)