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101 Cards in this Set

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diletical view of history
According to Marx, how is history run?
Not by god but by economics
How can we bring the pattern of history to an end?
abolish private property
classless society in which the free development of each is the free development of all;with no private property and no private ownership of means of production
why communist ideas can't be obtained
1. For any person s, s either owns her body or s owns part of her body. But,
2. there are ownables that are properly private property (mainly parts of body) but,
3. the complete abolition of private property would entail that #1 is false
4. premise #3 is absurd so...
true or false
marx is a conventionalist
true, no common human nature. you are what you are because of culture. product of society/social accident
theory of false consiousness
seeing the world in an incorrect way (apperance and not reality)
1. assumes that there is a single true consciousness
the way one percieves, values and understands the world (marx assuemd that this is conventional and, hence, variable)
instiutional beliefs that:
1. support the status quo
2. do so in a camouflaged way. ideological beliefs would often mislead one and keep one from seeing reality as it really is.
found in all societies
1. means of production (how commoities are made...all the different ways)
2. economic relations (people can relate economically)
all of these are how you aquire your class consiousness
how to see reality and remake society? solution?
change the base...abolish private property
t/f marxism is an abolishonist program
all your acitons are simply consequences of things that happened long before you were born. you cannot change the past. therefore you cannot change the future
the belief that goods (things that can be owned and distributed between persons) should be distributed equally amoung all people
strict egalitarianism
each member of a popultaion should recieve the same share of the distribution. if there a N members of a population, then each member should recieve 1/N of the distributed goods
needs-based egalitarianism
each member of a population should receive that part of the distribution that meets his or her need, no more, no less.
marx solgan for justice
to each according to need from each according to ability
did marx want strict or needs based egalitarianism?
needs based
why think egalitarianism is true?
1. IF one has an excess of some good and someone else has a dire life and death need of some of that excess (through no fault of her own), THEN some of that excess ought to be given to the one in need. call this principle "(c)".
a. good= something that can be owned and transferred
b. "ought"= a moral and/or legal obligation
2. egalitarianism, especially the needs based sort, is often thought to be true based upon some principle like c.
the body parts arguement
thinks principle c is false
there are excesses that are desperately needed and no one has a duty to give them up
is strict egalitarianism plausible?
the michael jordan arguement
a.if strict egalitarianism is true, then any disparity is unfair, no matter how that disparity came about.
b. but whatever distribution results from a free and fair series of transactions among persons, is itself fair.
c. the relevant queston: how did the dispairity come about? the mere exsistence of a disparity indicates nothing
is needs-based egalitarianism plausible?
the lottery ticket arguement-
one can own an excess of something and not be under any obligation to share that excess with those in dire need (also the body parts)
can economic inequality ever be just and fair?
yes, because there can be political liberty only if there is economic liberty
workers create products by mixing their own labor with natural resourcesto make new, composite things that have greater economic value. thus, labor is objectified, and turned into an ordinary thing that can be bought and sold on the open market, a mere commoditity
owners; people who own ladn, resources, factories, and other means of production
people who work for wages
constitutes a majority of the population
3 kinds of alienation
1. workers alienated from their labor
2. alienated from fruits of labor
3. seperated from commrades and yourself
1. workers must work ro survive: must sell their labor (cannot be self employed for the most part)
2. workers do not receive full value for their labor. paid wage is always less than the value of the goods produced
3. owner appropriates the surplus value of labor (profit margin); she gets more than she pays for
marx on morality
ideology= institutional beliefs that support the status quo, and do so in a conceled way
-ideological beliefs are misleading
-ideological beliefs can be believed only if they are not understood
-ibs are probably false
t/f marx= atheist
religion is ideological
marx on religion
religion is the opium of the masses
-coulds your mind, doesn't allow you to see reality
-religion serves the function of opium for the poor. allows you to escape reality. (you might not have it here but in heaven you will)
arguement against marx's theory about religion
all movements in history have started off as religious movements (religion doesn't always keep status quo)
marx's veiw of the universe
purely natural, physical, material. no souls. deterministic-no freedom
marx is a conventionalist. what does this mean?
human nature is a product of society
what is wrong with society according to marx?
private property
what is marx's soultion to the problem?
revolution. usher in utopia. abolish private property.
t/f marx is not a materialist
false. he is
t/f marx is a utopian
t/f marx is a tolalitarian
true. no gov off limits
t/f marx is egalitarianism
true. distribute everything equally
marx critique
-problem of new class: class of party member. a toltalitarian, a burecrat
-self referential problem: marx was raised in capitalist society. how did he escape false conscioussness and ideologies?
economic determinism
theory which attributes primacy to the economic structure over politics in the development of human history.
econoic reductionism
reducing everything to economics as the cause
dialetical materialism
is the philosophy of Marxism, which provides us with a scientific and comprehensive world outlook.Dialectics, states Engels in Anti-Duhring, "is nothing more than the science of the general laws of motion and development of nature, human society and thought." Put simply, it is the logic of motion.
memory of an event too painful for consiousness to hold in view. invouluntary aciton in which consiouss material put into unconsciouss.
persons continually forced by society and nature to adapt. drives which cannot find an outlet and are rechanneled
mental activity of which one is not aware, can be unconscious motives
instinctual, biological dirves
internalized parental and societal control
reconciles and adapts demands of id and superego. sense of self (not born with it, acquire it). repository of your instincts
projecting attitudes onto the analyst
unconscious desire or wish
surrogate wish fulfillment
pleasure principle
instinct (libido, eros drive)
death wish
instinct (hostility drive)
two instincts
1. pleasure princible
2. death wish
it takes mental energy to repress material. if you repress material, what happens?
become catatonic
principle of sufficient reason
every event that occurs is due to a scientific reason/can be discovered by science. (every event in your life can be psychoanalyzed --reveals something about you.)
true or false
marx and freudianism are compatiable
false. incompatible
talk therapy. mental exploration to find what is hidden in unconsciousness. then you control it, it doesn't control you.
who should you not psychoanalyze?
anorexics, multiple personality disorder, anyone over 45
dreams you forget?
weren't disguised well enough
how dreams are disguised
a. condensation
b. representation
c. symbolization
d. displacement
many ideas condensed into one
bad or troubling images replaced by benign images
when pictures replace language
(thoughts turn to images)
nonsexual objects have sexual meaning
manifest/ latent distinction
manifest- what you remember of dream
latent- wt dream really means
4 kinds of dreams
1. convenience
2. traumatic
3. anxiety
4. sexual
dream hungry, thirsty, need to go b-room (not interesting)
dream about something bad that really happened
did not happen to you. discharging sexual energy
more obvious sexual content. discharging sexual energy
king and queen
rooms, caves, vallies
sharp weapons, tree trunks, sticks, mountain peaks
sexual intercourse
female genitalia
possible you can both be fully determined and yet free (lack ability to do otherwise and yet your doing what you want to do)
free only if you could have done otherwise, if you lack power to choose, not free, even if your doing what you want
hard determinism
universe is deterministic. only one possible future and incompatablaism is the case. no free will.
soft determinism
determinism and compatibalism is the case, can have free will. can punish/reward even if they couldn't have done otherwise
indeterministic, incompatable, and people have free will
true or false
freud was a hard determinist
false he was a soft determinist
freud was a psychological egoist. what does this mean?
people are naturally selfish
true or false
humor is a way of bringing unconscious out
2 kinds of jokes
innocent (only have the form of a joke. lacks repressed material as content. has forepleasure not final pleasure
tendenatious (has form and content. disguised repressed material--hostility or obsenity)
t/f psychological egoism is a normative theory
false. not normative (how they should or should not act), it is descriptive (naturally how they act)
illusions that are false
why does freud think religious belief is an illlusion? 3 natural causes that generate religious belief
1. fear of nature (we want to control nature, so we create illusion of a deity)
2. social inhibitions (have to control yourself and your instincts. society compensates with culture art and religion. religion discharges sexual energy)
3. need for a father figure (powerful individual who protects and provides. earthly father doesn't always fulfill so heavenly father created)
is freud a materialist or a dualist?
materialist--denys any body and soul. only body
is freud an individualist or collectivist?
individualist (PA has to do with individual)
t/f freud is an atheist
t/f freud is a utopian
true...science will bring about utopia
t/f freud is determinist
true, humans lack free will
freud is an essentialist t/f
freud's view of the universe
material place
freud's view of the human person
biological organism. mind not distinct from brain. death will kill
freud's problem
neurosis (behaviors that inhibit)
freud's solution
psychoanalysis (iterim)--eventually science will come up with something better