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13 Cards in this Set

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HWI is critical in interpreting..

Relationship between shape and flight


Reference to pattern on egg such as specks or blotches. Background color deposited first and then the patterns

Color of egg is correlated with...

Breeding environment

Blue Green pigment in eggs


Brownish red pigment on eggs


Egg pigments is like..

Going to home depot, buying two paints and generating all egg color based on them

Proto poryphin and biliverdim are derived from...

Synthesis. Egg shells and coloration primarily attributed to pigments. Structural color plays part in feather coloration

Methodology of experiment on eggs

-Measured museum eggs reflectance

636 species of all orders

-Ploted them to see perception of birds of eggs

-from bird POV there is 200 to 400 times less diversity in eggs compared to festher

-we perceive much more diversity in eggs than feathers

-able to generate full color spectrum from 3 eggs colors

-these two pigments could produce all color. Might be due to requirements of egg like camouflage and antimicrobial defense, solar radiation or recognition made easy

Robin egg pigment

Purely biliverdim based

Peregrine falcon egg oigment

Purely protoporyphin

Northern fulmars egg

White no pigment

Wavelength of biliverdin


Wavelength of proto poryphin
