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43 Cards in this Set

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4 classes of cones in tetrachromatic vision nm range

Red, green, blue sensitive plus VS pigment or UVS pigment

400 to 700

VS pigment nm


390 to 400

UVS pigment nm

360 nm


We CNA see what nm VS birds

400 to 700


350 to 700

2 classes of avian vision


390 TO 700

350 TO 700

Peak at 360 means...

Uv light

Those with UVS system are more sensitive to Ultraviolet than..

VS though they can still detect it sonehway

Raptor colour vision


UVS vision bird examples

Psittaciformes (parrots)

Passeriformes (not all)

Laridae (gulls)

Strunthionidae (ostriches)

What was the issue with the discovery of the use of the uv light spectrum in science and evolutionary theory

Many observations were based on the colors humans see, but we need to look from the birds perspective to get an accurate picture

1980s forward

Colouration played an important part in theories of speciation and sex selection/behaviour which had to be reevaluated back to 1839


Same color

There are examples of dichromatism in birds now that...

Went undetected previously

More than 90% of 139 species classified as monochromatic wrre actually...

Sexually dichromatic from an avian perspective

Made many studies of bird plumage erroneous and changed many dtudies

Uv detection used in foraging

Cues of prey density such as vole scent marks seen by Eurasian kestrels

Vole urine reflect uv conponent

When birds are sitting high above they are not looking for individuals but....

Traffic patterns

Suggests high density if lots of uv urine around

Informs hunting patterns

Owls did not respond to the vole urine because

It is a nocturnal predator. Diurnal raptors detect it because they reflect uv in the day


See uv light

Peak in uv spectrim

360 nm

Implications of uv vision for predator prey interaction

Prey can avoid detection using cryptic signals and reduce signalling cost

Use different spectra than the predator or prey for signalling to avoid detection

Since high cost is usually associated with signals to co specifics this would lower it

Blue tit human perspective VS conspecifics perspective

Conspecifics see uv relfectsnce on the head and throat and sides. Males and females reflect differently making them look different.

Makes birds more conspicuous to each other but cryptic still to predators

The purple crown patch of male blue tits

Uv light only, used for courtship

The yellow chest of the blue tit is cryptic but conspicuous.. How

Reflects uv at 360 and yellow at 570

Means brightness associated with the color

Raptor and corvid uv

Only 390

Foraging of frugivores and the UV advantage

Red wings and bilberries

They're black and blue but reflect uv light making a contract between the berries and the background

Insectivorous foragers and the UV advantage

Blue tits and moths- contrast

Nectarivorous predators and foraging of uv

Flower petals reflect uv

How was the blue tit uv brightness tested as a sexual preference for females

Males were covered with sunscreen which inables them from signalling uv. Those that were not covered by sunscreen were more reproductively successful.

Sunscreen males attracted low quality mates only and had reduced offspring breeding success

Secondary sexual characteristics


Anything that's not gonads

Mate choice and uv light reflectance

Throat coloration of the European starling..

Experiment: UV filter between males and females. Uv cues in natural conditions were not used exclusively. But when uv was removed, it suggested that it was factored into the females evaluation. One of multiple cues

Uv light and value of study skins

People could go back with the discovery of uv light use in birds to check on plummage ie the blue whistling thrush showing speckles not seen previously


The fleshy knob above the beak of raptors and pigeons

Yellow cere pigment nm

Caratenoid derived from food

Reflects at 500-600 but also the cere reflects at 360

Combo of uv and vs

Cere of Montague barrier used for..

Sexual selection like in other raptors. Brighter cere is correlated with good condition and size. Males with brighter cere mated to better females with larger clutches.

How are caratenoid an honest signal

Linked to the individuals diet

A chromatic coloration

Non color

Black grey and white

Are monochromatic species actually dichromatic? Achromatic species

Chickadee achromatic?

Males actually have larger black bibs and brighter white plumage patches

Strong contrast

Male dominance impacts mating opportunities because...

Females mated to low ranked males participate in EPC (social mate of low rank, seek mate outside pair)

Lower rank have smaller clutches

Higher ranked males have females that give more offspring and eggs

Achromatic plummage is plummage that...

Is grey white or black and contributes to the male status signal.

The bright white patches on the cheeks of chickadees are important because...

They reflect uv light, brightening them and indicating male quality

Multiple signal system of chickadees

The black bib and bright white cheeks, different songs for dominant males all contributing to reproductive success

Male chickadees with whiter plumage....

Had more uv relfectsnce in melanin based plumage (bib, cap and mantle)

Sired more offspring menacing females did not look for EPC

Role of UV in species recognition

Brush turkeys


Builds nest for females to lay their eggs

Can weigh as much as four tonnes

Compost nests

Yellow neck

Mound of decaying vegetation is used to incubate the eggs and there is no parents care

Brush turkey