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36 Cards in this Set

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Krushinsky lab experiment

Small opening in the wall, 2 food dishes on the other side. One empty an done full.

Birds decide which way to go to get to the food. Cats and rabbits cannot do it but crows and dogs can.

Alex the grey parrot

Has emotional and intelligence makeup of a 3 year old

Could recognize and learn concepts and words

Corvidae, sittidae and paridae have larger....

Hippocampus than other passerines

Plasticity of hippocampus demonstrated by...

Chickadees growing them 30 percent for food cacge

A non passerines example of hippocampal capability for spatial memory

Leachs storm petrel

Nest in burrows or wooded habitat

Since wooded habitat requires navigation, the petrel that lived there had more hippocampal volume than meadow nesting ones

Episodic memory of birds example (episodic like)

Tracing our steps

Western scrub Jay cached various food items like was worms and nuts

Wax worms are favorable but perishable

Birds knew initially where they were cached. Then researchers switched them.

They were consciously aware of personal experience tied to time and place.

Insight learning deemed to be one of the most advanced types. Example?

It is learning by observation and imitation.

Titmice learned to open milkd bottle lids to access the milk and cream. The behaviour spread through Britain. Cultural transmission.

They also bark tear for nesting and food cache

Red Robin population could not access the milk that the Titmice got because...

Robin's are territorial and Titmice are in flocks. They are alone so cultural transmission does not take place.

Stages of breeding cycle

Find and defend territory

Find mate

Build nest and kay


Feed and raise


Timing of breeding is coordinated with....

Food availability. Ie passerines time their hatching just prior to peak insect abundance. Climate change can influence this due to insect emergence and food availability

American goldfinch

Live near many insectivorous but they eat thistles. Their hatching time is different even though its the same habitat

Feeding and raising nestling phase

Remove fetal sacs, clean and feed

Primary function of egg is to

Protect the embryo

Benefits of external egg

Parental care can be both male and female

Can abandon young if food is short

Yellow warblers and cowbird

Will build nest over the cowbirds egg


Type of egg, avian

The unfertilized egg contains

A single cell along with everything the embryo would need. Porous so there is bresthability

Egg anatomy


Forms the embryonic membrane

Allows for co2 and O2 exchange

Shrinks for more air space in top of egg


A complete set of eggs laid in uninterrupted series

Typical songbird clutch size

5 eggs but varies by species and latitude

Bob white clutch

20 or more

Penguin clutch


Doves pigeons and hummingbird clutch


Precocial eggs VS altricial

Precocial are larger

Birds that lay more eggs per clutch...

Lay smaller individuals

Size of egg reflects....

The energy content

Metrics include volume, surface area, length and width

Egg shape is a compromise between...

The structure, clutch volume and contents

Egg shapes--elliptical, sub elliptical, oval and pyriform

Pyriform means

Pointed at one end

Plover and murres

Shore birds and Clift nesters

Less likely to roll

Shape can also depend on muscle...

Tension in the oviduct


How pointy eggs are


How much eggs deviate from a perfect sphere

Most common egg shape

That if the graceful prinia- not quite like a chicken egg

What correlations were found in the assigned egg reading

Length of egg correlates with bird body size

Shape of egg and how asymmetrical it is relates to flying habits

Stronger birds flight means more asymmetrical eggs

Hand wing index

Proxy for flight capability

High HWI linked to better flight performance