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58 Cards in this Set

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Major functions of avian nervous system

Obtain info from the environment both externally and internally

Analyze this information and respond to it

Store info (memory and learning)

Coordination in form of outgoing motor impulses


Links spinal cord and PNS to the brain as in other vertebrates. Medulla is part of brain stem

Neurons control....

Heart rate, respiration, blood pressure

Mid brain in birds VS reptiles

Highly developed in birds

Large cerebellum of birds involved in..

Coordination of skeletal muscle movement

Size reflects activity of birds (precise coordination in flight)

Optic lobe function

Processes visual information

Is relatively large in birds reflecting importance of vision

Forebrain function and form

Cerebral hemispheres

Includes optic lobe

Comprised of cerebral cortex in mammals, but in birds it is known as...

Hyperpallidium (new name to indicate cellular homology to mammals)

Was once hyperstriadum

Even though mammals are no a birds closest relative....

Their brains are most similar

Ludwig edinger 1855 to 1918

Note origin of species published 1859.

Was influenced by Darwin and Aristotle (Scala naturae)

Founder of neuroanatomy

Formed basis of nomenclature used to define cerebral subdivisions for vertebrates

Ludwig Edinger

Avian cerebrum of ludwig

Basal ganglia

Instinctive behaviour

Hyperstriatum Ludwig

Evolved as a subdivision of basal ganglia unique to birds

Virtually no cortex in


Stratum is root for

Basal ganglia in avian brain regions

Pallium is root of


Embryonic region from where neocortex is derived (mamallian brain regions)

Cortex is aka


Since bird brain is almost all basal ganglia, we wonder...

How they could think in complex ways

Malleable behaviour requires

The pallium-suggests birds cannot learn new concepts because they don't have one

Scala naturae


Goes from less intelligent to more intelligent and complex

Order of evolution at the time

Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, primates, humans

The embryonic region from which the cortex is derived


The idea that the cortex was reuiwred for advanced complex thinking and malleability is...


Avian brain has pallial regions but organization is different


Striatal region in mammals small. Comparable to pallial region in birds

Instinctive behaviour in avians

Intelligent learned behaviour in mammals


Learning region in bird

Reflects homology with mammals

Nomenclature strained the interpretation of Avian and mamallian brains by...

Restricting the terminology for the advancements seen in neurology confirmed by behaviour. The difference in brains in terms of format and structure

Cerebral cortex responsible for...

High level thought, reasoning, conscious thought, sensory perception, info processing and intelligence

Stratum refers to basal ganglia which coordinates...

Instinctive behaviour


Cerebrum, hemispheres, forebrain

Grey matter in mammal brains is...

Mostly outer regions in layers

In birds the grey matter is...

Mostly nuclear, it is structurally different and not all visible

Revisions to terminology were implemented...

In 2005 for the avian telencephalon

Pallium includes

Cerebrum : (supports cognitive abilities) , acts as a neocortex (functionality).

Capable of malleable and learned behaviour


Basal ganglia

Classic and modern view of comparing the avian and mammalian brains

The pallial region actually makes up...

75 percent of the avian brain

Same as mammals

Process info in very similar ways

The modern view of bird and mammal brain led to reevaluation which showed that there is actually functional lateralization which means..

Left and right brain

Left controls complex processes like song learning

Right cerebrum monitors motion and selects novel stimuli for processimg

Examples of handedness in birds (crossbills)

Crossbills approach cones from a right or left orientation (left or right billed)

Red neck phalcrope handedness

Spin in water during foraging, either clockwise or counterclockwise

Why do darkeyed juncos favor their right eye

So visual information goes to the left hemisphere

New calodonian crow handedness

In tool making.

Mass of avian brain is...

Proportional to body in same way as mammals

3 parts of intelligence



Benefiting or profiting from experience

Brainiest birds






Most bird brained birds

New world quail




Birds that show foraging innovations have larger....

Forebrain size which was supported by Lefebvre study

Of 19 species that used more than one type of tool, 7 were...


Tool users are not closely related

Best predictor of tool use

Brain size

Conclusion of Brian size and tool use is that the larger brain allows for...

More intricate movements

True tool use

Objects used as an extension of the body

Detached from substrate and held in foot or mouth

Borderline tool use

Part of the substrate

Bait fishing, dropping things on anvils, holding with wedges

Spatial memory occurs in the..


Ravens display Monday complex feeding behaviours such as..



Social learning

Foraging techniques

Id cheats

Food storing in passerines, corvidae, sittidae and Laridae is done with...

Hippocampus spatial memory


Tit mouse and chickadees



Black capped chickadee hippocampus expands in volume 30 % due to new cells added to adult brains for..

Food caching