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43 Cards in this Set

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What is the basic mechanism of anti-convulsants?
> refractory period and dercreasing repetitive firing; altering synaptic transmission; reduction of excitatory NT
What two NT do anti-conv focus on?
increase GABA (inhibitory) and reduce Glutamate (excitatory)
What are the drugs of choice for a generalized tonic/clonic or partial seizure?
Phentoin and Carbamazepine and Valproic acid
What is the drug of choice for a generalized absence seizure?
What is the drug of choice for a myoclonic seizure?
Valporic Acid
What are the drugs of choice for status epilepticus?
Diazepam and Lorazepam (IV) followed by Fosphenytoin (IV)
What is used for stabilization in status epilepticus?
What age group is Phenytoin most used in?
What was the original advance of pheytoin?
Less sedation
What are 2 cosmetic effects of Phenytoin?
Gingival hyperplasia and hirsutism
What may occur in the fetus if phenytoin is invloved?
Cleft palate
Increases in phenytoin should be in what increments?
What may Phenytoin also be used for?
Cardiac dysrhythmias and neuropathic pain
What drug would stimulate the metabolsim of phenytoin?
Carbamzepine (Plasma concentration of phenytoin is decreased by drugs that stimulate hepatic metabolism)
What drug can produce a blood dyscrasia?
Besides tx a generalized T/C or partial seizure, what else is Carbamezepine used to tx?
Neuropathic pain and manic disorder
What is a common side effect of carbamazepine? (besides the general GI and vision effects)
Erythematous skin rash
What drug may cause aplastic anemia and or argranulocytosis --> ulcerative lesions of mucous membranes?
What do you NOT use Carbamazepine with?
MAO inhibitors (because it resembles a trcyclic antidepressant(
What effect does Carbamazepine have on other drugs?
IT < the levels of other anti-convulsants and even itself via enzyme induction
What is a side effect of Phenobarb?
What drug may cause a megaloblastic anemia?
Phenobarb may lower levels of which drug?
What drug may inhibit phenobarb metabolism?
Valproic acid
What does Primidone eventually convert into?
What drug may produce anorexia as a side effect?
What are there very few interactions with Ethosuximide?
The drug is not protein bound
What effect does Valproic acid have on Ethosuximide?
< ethosuximide's metabolism, so > plasma concentration
Why may your choose Valproic acid over Ethosuximide to treat Absence seizures?
Its usefulness in generalized tonic-clonic seizures as well
Why is Ethosuxamide usually the primary choice to treat ONLY a pure absence seizure? (Rather than valproic acid?)
VA can have sudden liver failure
What four drugs does Valproic acid increase by inhibiting their metabolism?
Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, and Carbamazine and Ethosuxamide
What drug inhibits platelet aggregation?
Valproic acid
Use in Valproic acid is contraindicated in patients already on what meds?
Anticoagulants (It inhibits platelet aggregation)
What drug may produce weight gain?
Valproic acid
For what other problems does Valproic acid have established efficacy?
Mania, migraine
What drugs would you use for febrile seizures in children?
Diazepam or Lorazepam
What drug is now available in a rectal suppository?
What is the drug of choice when tx neuropathic pain?
What else may Gabapentin be used to tx?
Mania and movement disorders (Parkinson's)
Through what mechanism does Tiagabine act?
Blocks the GABA uptake transporter
What drug may produce a life threatening dermatitis in pediatric patients?
What other possible efficacies may Lamotrigine produce?
Mania and migraine tx
What drug has been associated with spina bifida?
Valproic acid