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27 Cards in this Set

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What drugs may cause Parksonian symptoms?
Drugs which deplete dopamine (Reserpine) or block receptors (antipsychotics: chlorpromaine, haloperidol)
What type of drug is Pramipexole?
D2 agonist
What type of drug is Ropinirole?
D2 agonist
What type of drug is Bromocriptine?
D2 agonist
What type of drug would you use for drug-induced extrapyramidal effects?
Anticholinergic agents
What is the rate limiting step in dopamine synthesis?
Tyrosine Hydroxylase (Tyrosine-->DOPA) That is why we give DOPA (to skip the bottleneck)`
Why don't we give Dopamine?
Cannot cross the BBB
What is a GI side effect of Levodopa?
GI (Nausea and vomiting) due to stimluation of chemoreceptor Trigger zone
Patients with what may be a contraindication to Levodopa?
Heart problems (NE and Epi synthesized from dopamine in some neurons)
wWhat side effect of Levodopa occurs in about 15% of patients?
Psychiatric/behavioral problems
What is the point of administering Carbidopa with Levodopa?
It prevents periphera conversion of l-dopa to dopamine and allows for lower doses of Levodopa
What are some advantages to using Carbidopa?
Can reduce the effective dose of Levodopa, reduced GI symptoms, more control
What are some disadvantages to using Carbidopa?
Orthostatic Hyoptension not helped, involuntary movements may occur earlier, be more severe, and last longer
What precautions do you need to use when using Carbidopa and Levodopa?
Psychiatric patients, pts with asthma or emphsyma using other adrenergic agents, and pts on MAO-A inhibitors
a useful adjunct especially in patients with an "end of dose" fluctuating response to treatment
What type of drug is Entacapone?
COMT inhibitor
What enzyme does Carbidopa inhibit?
DOPA decarboxylase (L-DOPA to Dopamine)
What drugs have also been proven to treat restless leg syndrome?
Pramipexole and Ropinirole
What are some advantages to using Pramipexole and Ropinirole?
Less likely to induce dyskinesias and longer duration of action
What type of drug is Amatidine?
Antiviral agent (NMDA antagonist)
What type of drug is Selegiline?
MAO-B inhibitor (preserves dopamine in the basal ganglia)
What is a side effect of Selegiline?
Insomnia probably due to an amphetamine like metabolite
What is Selegiline metabolized to?
Amphetamine derivative that may be neurotoxic
What type of drug is Trihexyphenidyl?
Anticholinergic agent
What type of drug is Benztropine?
Anticholinergic agent
What two drugs are the only approach to drug-induced Parkinson effects?
Trihexyphenidyl and Benztropine (can't work on the dopamine side, thus work on the cholinergic side)
What are some side effects of anticholinergic agents (Trihexyphenidyl and Benztropine)?
Heat stroke (no sweating), urinary retention, failure to accommodate