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61 Cards in this Set

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Who created the Goal Setting Theory

Locke and Lathem

Give prior history of the GST

Ryan premise that conscious goal affects actions

goal difficulty and performance was thought to be on an curvilinear scale; easy and difficult goals were least effort and moderate goals most effort

What is the hypothesis of Goal Setting Theory?

hypothesis is; specific and difficult goals yield better performance than compared to vague goal

goal difficulty is positive linear outcome

Name 2 characteristics of Goal Setting Theory

1- 3 moderators; task complexity, feedback and committment

2- goal mediators; persistance, energy, drive

Name similar theory to Goal Setting Theory

Banduras social cognitive theory; high set goals, higher efficacy people and more commitment and search for resources

Name an Opposing theory to Goal Setting Theory

Valence-Instrumentality-Expenctancy Theory; expectancy believed to be linear and higher when goal is easier

Give data supporting Goal Setting Theory

Locke and Latham- specific and difficult goals better results than urging to do best

specificity makes it easier to understand what is wanted and necessary

Application of Evaluation for Goal Setting Theory

can be used in clinical settings, to help patients with health behaviours

goal conflict between personal and organizational goals can have decreased effect on GST

Who created the Mechanism for Unconscious Goal Pursuit?

Custers and AAart

What is prior history of Mechanism for Unconscious Goal Pursuit?

Libet said unconscious state of action readiness occurred before the conscious state of reported desire to act

What is the hypothesis of Mechanism for Unconscious Goal Pursuit?

goal cannot only be pursued unconsciously, but can also be activated and selected unconsciously

Give 2 characteristics of Mechanism for Unconscious Goal Pursuit

1- priming of a goal prepares and programs actions unconsciously

2- optimized goal pursuit is determined by goal value

What is a similar theory to Mechanism of Unconscious Goal Pursuit?

Dijkerhuis and Aart; believe goals can be activated and pursued unconsciously, suggests mental representation can be activated by environment

What is an opposing theory to Mechanism of Unconscious Goal Pursuit?

Human Rewards Processing; suggest initial, unconscious goal pursuit is limited, suggesting it only facilitates goal pursuit by adding in reward values and restricted to rudimenary brain areas

Give data supporting Mechanism for Unconscious Goal Pursuit

Bargh et al; unconsciously primed kids with high achievement words and they performed better and had more motivation

Application of Evaluation for Mechanism for Unconscious Goal Pursuit

main feature are clearly stated and falsifiable

Who created the Variety Effect?


What prior history of the variety effect?

Raynor and Epstein; said variety can produce weight gain, impede weight loss and SSS was founded as moderated

What is the hypothesis of the Variety Effect?

promotes intake of food, SSS mediates and for evolutionary purposes to eat nutrients and avoid toxic foods

Give 2 characteristics of Variety Effect

1- moderated by age as internal factor

2- moderated by food properties and sensory properties as external moderators

Give a similar theory to Variety Effect

Brown; SSS and habituation can be applied to sex, coolidge effect in rats

Give an opposing theory to Variety Effect


Give data supporting the Variety Effect

Brondel; conidments attenuate and delated SSS

Reichelt; rats on cafe diet were impaired in Pavlovian responding in accordance to incentive value

Application of Evaluation for Variety Effect

can be applied to sex, top-down process and can enact habituation and be used to regulate excessive intake

What is prior history to the Apathy and BG circuits?

patients with auto-activation deficit have difficulties in self-initiating actions or thoughts but can give extternally driven responses

What is the hypothesis about Apathy and BG?

Apathy- related to goal-directed behaviour in PFC and BG lesions

Give 2 characteristics of Apathy/BG theory

1- 3 subtypes of disrupted processing; emotional-affective, cognitive and auto-activation

2- can be explained by impact of lesions in BG due to loss of amplification of relevant signal or loss of temporal and spatial focalization

What is a similat theory to Apathy/BG theory?

Segregation model; BG- selecting actions generated by frontal love

What is an opposing theory to Apathy/BG theory?

Marin; lack of motivation rather than quantitative reducton in behaviours, so psychological rather than behavioural

Give data supporting Apathy/BG theory

monkey lesions- similar deficits in PFC and BG, but clinical analyses show functional differences favouring each brain structure

Application of Evaluation of Apathy/bg theory

collected data in apathy studies can help to clarify functions in BG

apathy as quantitative reduction makes it objectively measurable

Who created the Impulsivity risk factor for behaviour theory?


What is the hypothesis of the impuslivity risk factor for behaviour theory?

decreased response inhibition combined with reward sensitivity will elicit more behaviour

What is prior history of the impulsivity risk factor for behaviour theory?

Dawes; two factor model of impulsivity, reward sensitivity and rash spontaneous sensation seeking temperament

Give 2 characteristics of impulsivity risk factor for behaviour theory

1- implications of the mesolimibic system and pleasure pathway, VTA and NA

2- both impulsivity and sensitivity to a cue are necessary fro behaviour

What is a similar theory to impulsivity risk factor for behaviour theory?

Bari; slow form-acting despite considering consequences

fast form- acting without considering consequences

What is an opposing theory to impuslivity risk factor for behaviour theory?


Undermining data for impulsivity risk factor for behaviour theory

used college student may not be generalizable

Application for Evaluation of impulsivity risk factor for behaviour theory

understanding can help contribute to treatment of substance abuse disorders

what is prior history to facial feedback hypothesis?

darwin suggested a persons emotional experience can be either strengthened or weakened by facial muscle activation

What is the facial feedback hypothesis?

feedback from facial expression influences a persons emotonal experience and behaviour

Give 2 characteristics of Facial feedback hypothesis

1- facial movement can strengthen or weaken emotional experience

2- facial expressions can create an emotion on its own

Give similar theory to facial feedback theory

Cheung et al; people try to imitate others facial expression when feeling excluded (Facial -> feelings)

Give opposing theory to facial feedback theory

facial expressions do not influence emotions but allow you to produce a necessary bodily response depending on the emotional challenge (fear, wide eyes, bigger visual field)

Give data supporting the facial feedback hypothesis

blocking facial expression with botox selectively hinders emotional language, alleviates depressive symptoms

Application for Evaluation for facial feedback hypothesis

controversy over which comes first, feelings or facial expressions

Who created the self-determination theory?

Ryan and Deci

What is prior history of SDT?

maslow first developed hierarchy of needs which was congruent with Hulls drive reduction definition of needs being innate necessities, and murray claims they are psychological rather than physiological

What is the SDT hypothesis?

humans follow organismic dialet, max growth if three needs are met; competence, relatedness and autonomy

Give 2 characteristics of SDT

1- OIT- proposing different extrinsic motivation, contexual factors and regulatory processes

2- CED- social and contextual events enhance intrinsic motivation it autonomous

What is a similar theory to SDT?

self-concordance theory; personal autonomous goals increse effort which increase progress, reflects values and interests

What is opposing theory of SDT?

Terror Mangement theory; we satisfy needs because of impulse of self-preservation no natural inclination for growth

Give data supporting SDT

Ryan and Grolnick; research in school and work shows autonomous support associated with positive outcomes and intrinsic motivation

Application for Evaluation for SDT

autonomoic intrinsic motivation enhances self efficacy that leads to less procrastination

Hartman showed the more autonomous the goal the more weight could be lost

What is prior history of the amygdala theory?

relative flatness associated with traumatic life experiences

What is the hypothesis of amygdala theory?

amygdala plays role in both negative and positive emotions and reward

Give 2 characteristics of amygdala theory

1- responsible for coding value to visual stimuli

2- timing of changes in amygdala predicts monkeys timing of learning

What is a similar theory to amygdala theory?

Murray; basolateral amygdala links stimulus to its sensory features, important for responding approriately after changes in reinforcement value

What is opposing theory to amygdala theory?

historical view that amygdaa was exclusively associated with fear and negative emotion

Give data supporting the amygdala hypothesis

lesions of amygdala produce little or no fear response

Application of Evaluation for amygdala theory

amygdala interacts with OFC to encourage adaptation based on value changes, could have implications to striatum and other dopaminergic pathways