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51 Cards in this Set

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Analytical database

AKA Transactional DB. Used to support operations

Composite key

multiple attribute key

data dictionary

DBMS component that stores metadate (data about data)


attribute whose value is determined by another attribute


attribute in a specific row whose value directly determines other values in that row


The role of a key. A determines B indicates that knowing the value of A means that the value of B can be looked up

entity integrity

in a relational table, each entity has a unique value in a primary key and that the key has no null values


special codes that trigger a response, alert to specific conditions, or encode values. Can be used to prevent nulls

foreign key

attribute or attributes in one table whose values match the primary key in another table


use of the same name to label different attributes. Avoid is possible


ordered key values and row ID values. used to speed up data retrieval

inner join

join function where only rows that meet a criteria are selected. most common used join

key attribute

attributes that form a primary key

left outer join

join that yields all rows in the left table, even ones that do not have matching rows

linking table

table that implements an M:M relationship

natural join

links tables by selecting only the rows w/ common values


abscence of an attribute. null is not blank

outer join

JOIN function that retains all unmatched paris.

referential integrity

a dependent table's FK must have either a null entry or a matching entry in the related table.

right outer join

join that yields all of the rows in the right table even if they don't have matching rows in the left table


short for relational variable. relvar is a container for holding relational data, not the relation itself

secondary key

key used only for data retrieval purposes


attribute(s) that uniquely identify each entity in a table


use of different names to identify the same object. avoid

system catalog

data dictionary that describes all objects in a DB


table row


two or more tables that have the same column names and have columns with compatible data types


property that assigns a specific value to connectivity and expresses the range fo allowed entity occurrences associated witha single occurence of the related entity

composite attribute

attribute that can be further subdivided

derived attribute

does not physically exist. found using formulas

existence dependent

entity whose existence depends on one or more other entities

existence indpendent

entity that can exist apart from one or more related entities

identifying relationship

relationship where related entities are dependent. also called strong relationship

non-identifying relationship

relationship where the pk of the dependent entity does not contain the pk of the related partent entity

relationship degree

number of entities or participants associated with a relationship (unary, binary, ternary, or tertiary)

simple attribute

attribute that cannot be subdivided into meaningful components

strong entity

entity that is existence-independent

weak entity

entity that is existent dependent and has the same pk as its parent entity

design trap

when a relationship is improperly identified and therefore is representated in a way that is not consistent with the real world. most common is a fan trap

disjoint/non-overlapping subtype

a unique and non-overlapping subtype entity set

eer diagram (eerd)

relationship diagram, provides semantic content and relationships

entity subtype

subset of an entity supertype. supertype contains the common characteristics and the subtype contains the unique characteristics

entity supertype

generic entity type that contains the commong characteristics of entity subtypes

extended entity relationship model (EERM)

result of adding semantic constructs (entity supertypes, subtypes, clustering) to the original relationship model

natural key (natural identifier)

identifier for real world objects. familiar to end users and forms part of their day-to-day busines vocab

overlapping subtype

each entity instance fo the supertype can appear in more than one subtype


grouping of unique attributes

specialization hierarchy

hierarchy based on the top-down process of identifying lower-level. grouping by unique characteristics

surrogate key

system assigned pk, usually numeric and auto-incremented

time-variant data

data whose values are a function of time.

total completeness

in a generalization/specialization hierarchy, condition in which every supertype occurence must be a member of at least one subtype