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98 Cards in this Set

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What is Syphillis genus name
Treponema pallidum
what is Syphills caused by
by a spirochete
primary syphillis is caused by ?
chancre -(not detected by infectious) painless circular purplish ulcer
secondary syphilis is what?
a extremely infectious skin rash
Tertiary syphilis has what symptom
gumma formation - soft granulmatous lession of skin that forms as a immune response to residual treponemes
Neurosyphilis has what kind of symtoms
gummas that build up on the spinal cord - causing paralysis, blindness, insanity
describe congenital syphilis
giving syphilis to a child - child can have legions - and can lead it Gumma formation
Congential syphilis can be treated how
Pencilion or azithromycin -(because it is a bacteria )
Tuskegee experiment were people that had what disease and what was the aftermath after the experiment
people who had syphilis had testing done - resulting in informed consent laws
What is the genus name for Gonococcal Urethritis?
Neisseria gonorrhoae (gram -), Can make male or females sterile
Extopic Pregnancy is when what happens?
fuild blockage and can't let sperm reach egg- possibility of miscarriage or rupturing
what is the agent for Chlamydial Urethritis? And what type of infection
Trechomatis - bacteria
Chlamydia Trechomatis uses what to treat it
no vaccine - azythromycin - tetracycline, ethromycin, doxycycline
Herpes Simplex Virus is from what agent family
What are the two types of Herpes
cold cores and genital herpes
3 in 5 people are infected with what
type 1 HSV
Gingivostomatitis is what
cold sores in mouth feverish blisters
Keratitis can cause what in young adults
encephalitis causing what to happened rarely?
swelling of the brain - entering thru your nasal cavity
Neonatal Herpes is caused by what type of HSV
type 2 vertical transmission
TORCH is assoicated with what disease and stands for what
toxoplasmis, other (syphilis, chlamydia, HIv), Rubella, cytomeglavius, herpes simplex
-neonatal herpes
is there a cure to herpes
Herpes is what type of disease
Herpes treatment - use base analogs which do what
To basically trick the virus and it replicates a safe "base" and cause termination of dna chain
HPV is commonly known as what
what is the highest form of HPV
cervical cancer
symtoms of HPV are?
very asymptomatic
What are the two major vaccines for HPV
gardasil and cervarix
Mike douglus had throat cancer from what disease
onogenic HPV is consider what
high risk types of HPV
non-oncogenic causing warts and is considered what type of risk
low risk (HPV)
Serum Hepattis affects what organ?
Hep B is connected to Jaundice - describe the symptoms
yellowing of persons skin and eyes (infection of your liver - not function correctly)
HEP B is what type of disease
a virus
Hep B has a what
DNA genome
In HEP B your body produces what to let your body know it is infected
a iterferon
What is the first vaccine for HEP B
describe HEP A
spread in oral route get it from contaminated water/food - vaccine available
describe HEP B
spread from bodily fluids - vaccine available
describe HEP C
Spread from fluids again (not a STI) - No vaccine available
HIV is a considered what kind of virus? which has what other characteristics
Letivirus - rna virus, reverse transcruptase, eveloped, spikes
1st stage of HIV
actue disease - can be like influenza
stage 2 of HIV
Asymptoatic - virus is multiplying and it is race between the Virus and t cells
Stage 3 of HIV
peristent generalized Lymphadenopathy - T cell numbers loss and immunity low
stage 4-5 of HIV
symptomatic AIDs infection - low t cell numbers, and opportunistic infections at highest
reverse transcriptase works how (HIV)
uses the DNA to make a copy of the RNA genome
(HIV) uses integrase to do what
to format the virus DNA into the host cell DNA (provirus)
Everything before this was a prokaryotic pathogens
from now on eukaryotic
What is the difference between prokarytoic and eukarytoic organelles
eukaryotic organelles have membrane bound organelles
What is the agent for Pneumocycstosis
jiovecii - is a fungus
Pneumocyctosis is sympotic and asympotmatic infection and what happens in during the infection
fills lungs with fluid - asymptomatic
Pneumocyctosis is only a probably in humans that are
compromised already
What is the agent of cryptosporidosis
cryptosspirdium species - protozoan
What caused the big water purfication outbreak in milwakuee
Protozoan causes you to have to do what to yourself
transmission of crypto
oral fecal rout - pooping- bacteria digested thru drinking water
what is the agent assoicated with toxoplasmosis, and thought to be caused by toxins
toxoplasma gondii
Toxopamosis Infection: Trophozoite is what
crescent shapes - can invade mammalan cells - can invade all cells expect RBC's
Toxopamosis Infection: Pseudocyst
dormant stage of parasite - found in muscle and brain - reactivated during immnocompromised
Toxopamosis Infection: Oocyst
dormant stage of parasite - developed during sexual reprofuction - usually in CATS
Marlaria' has which agent
p. falciparium can do what to you which other forms of marlaria can't do
kill you
malaria is transmitted via what
biological vectors- mosquitos
3 stages of marlaria: sporozoite
multiples in liver, present in salivary glands, infectious stage in humans
3 stages of marlaria: Merozoite
multiples in red blood cells, pathogenic stage for humans
3 stages of marlaria: Gametocyte
infectious stage for mosquitoes, acquired by blood meal
you can't get malaria if you have what
sickle cell amenia
Typanosomiasis is know nicknamed what
African sleeping sickness
typanosomiasis is caused by what
tstete fly and biological vector
trypanosomiasis symtoms are what
chancre developes at site of bite, parasite enters bloodstream, and then into brain, and then causes coma and death
changes disease is caused by what
Trypanosoma cruzi
Trypanosoma cruzi is transmitted by what?
triamtomid bugs - "kissing bugs"
triatomid bugs live in the mud and and fed on what to causes in vitcim
feed on the face of a person and defecates as they feed to rub in infection in wound
Xenodiasgnosis is what?
when the doctors feed triamomes petien's blood to look for development of infective forms in bug
how do you treat the kidding bug disease
Benzindazole or nifurtimox for acute infection - no vaccine - not effective treatment for chronic infection
Lyme disease is associated to what agent
Borrella Burgdoferi
lyme disease is caused by what
spirochete - sprial that embedds itself into your tissue
what is a emerging endemic spreading disease
lyme disease
transmission of lyme disease
infected deer ticks - biological vector (blacklegged tick)
lopzdes scapularis is the blacklegged tick located where
east of the rockies
lxodes pacificus is the blacklegged tick located where
west of the rockies
The first stage of lyme disease is known as and looks like what
Erythema coronicum migrans (bulls- eye appearance)
what is the 2nd stage of lyme disease is known as and looks like what
Neurologic invlovment (neuroborreliosis) - mirgarting joint pain, paralysis, severe headahce/ joint pain
what is the third stage of lyme disease
may be autoimmune related
Elisa is used agent what disease in trying to dianose it
lyme disease
the first two stages of lyme disease are treated with what
the third and last stage of lyme disease is diffulct but how do u treat it
may be autoimmune
LYMErix vaccine developed to combat lyme disese is considered what
it is a bust - doesn't work
rabies agent is what
Lyssavirus is what type of virus
rna virus (helical - bullet shaped)
rabies has what kind of a pathogen
describe the milwaukee protocol
no vaccine and induced the girl into a coma to prtect her brain so virus wouldn't affect her brain
West nile virus is associated with what agent
Flavivirdae family
west nile virus is a RNA virus which means it has to do what to infect your genome
convert to DNA to get into your DNA to affect your healthy DNA
what is the resorvioir for west nile virus
infected birds
Ebola Hemorrhagic fever reservior is what
unknown likely to be fruit bats
ebola has been known to spread where ??
in hospitals
what is the treatment for ebola
aggressive rehydration therapy