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51 Cards in this Set

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What is Socrates virtue?
Socrates virtue is knowledge
How can one obtain Socrates virtue?
Through examination and recollection
Who said, "The unexamined life is not worth living"?
What is Plato's virtue?
It is having knowledge of 3 things:
a. the theory of forms
b. the tripartite soul
c. the idea of the good
Classical utilitarianism is _______
What kind of utilitarian will claim that consequences are good or bad depending only on pleasure or pain?
A hedonistic utilitarian, such as Bentham, would make that claim.
Who said, "Nature has placed mankind under the government of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure - they govern us in all that we do, in all we say, in all we think."
Which Utilitarian makes a distinction between "higher" and "lower" pleasures?
What is the main criticism of Hedonistic Utilitarianism?
The main criticism is that a moral philosophy based on pleasure is a philosophy "fit for pigs."
Who said, "Quantity of pleasure beign equal, pushpin is as good as poetry." ?
What is the main criticism of Hedonistic Utilitarianism?
The main criticism is that: A moral philosophy based on pleasure is a philosophy "fit for pigs."
What does Mill do in a response to Hedonistic Utilitarianisms criticism?
Mill introduces an 8th category for describing qualities of pleasures. This 8th category is for "noble" or "higher" pleasures.
Who said, "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied." ?
Who came up with a 2nd response to the criticism of Hedonistic Utilitarianism?
An english philosopher named GE Moore.
What is the 2nd response to the criticism of Hedonistic Utilitarianism?
Moore comes up with "Ideal Utilitarianism", which claims that the goodness or badness of consequences is not determined solely by pleasure and pain.
What does Ideal Utilitarianism consider?
It looks at other intrinsic goods, such as knowledge, aesthetic enjoyment, and friendship.
What is an example of ideal utilitarianism?
The philistines and the beautiful painting that one of them suggests to burn, but they deny doing so because they value the aesthetic enjoyment of the painting.
What is the definition of Act Utilitarianism?
Act Utilitarianism is when the moral rightness of an action is evaluated in terms of the good or bad consequences the action itself can produce.

-One should pursue the action that will produce the greatest happiness in every circumstance.
Bentham and Mill support this/these views?
both act utilitarianism and Hedonistic utilitarianism.
What is the 1st criticism to Act Utilitarianism?
The 1st criticism is that there is no motive for moral action.
What is the response to the criticism that there is no motive to act morally in act utilitarianism?
The response that they give is PREFERENCE UTILITARIANISM
What is the 2nd criticism to Act Utilitarianism?
The 2nd criticism is that AU often contradicts our sense of justice. Examples of this would be slavery, punishing the innocent, transplant cases, scarce drug cases, and the trolley car example
What is the 1st response to the criticism that act utiliarianism is unjust?
The 1st response, Mill modifies Bentham to create a doctrine of "perfect duties" and "enforced rights." There is no happiness without security, and no security without enforced rights.
What is the 2nd response to the criticism that Act Utilitarianism is unjust?
Rule Utilitarianism is created in response to the 2nd criticism.
What is the 3rd response to the criticism that Act Utilitarianism is unjust?
The 3rd response to the 2nd criticism of act utilitarianism is HARE'S 2 LEVEL UTILITARIANISM.
Who said, "If you have conflicting duties, one of them isn't your duty." ?
What is the definition of Preference Utilitarianism?
"Good" is described as the satisfaction of each person's individual preferences or desires. A right action is one that leads to this satisfaction. Hence, nothing is good or bad in itself except the resulting state of mind.
Preference Utilitarianism is one of the most popular forms of Utilitarianism.
Peter Singer is it's leading contemporary advocate. He was greatly influenced by Hare.
What are the two levels of Hare's "Two-level Utilitarianism." ?
*The first level is 'Lower or Intuitive Moral Thinking.'

*The 2nd level is 'Upper or "Critical Level" Moral Thinking.'
What type of moral reasoning is involved in Hare's 1st level, 'Lower level thinking'?
Rule Utilitarianism is used
What type of moral reasoning is involved in Hare's 2nd level, 'Upper level thinking'?
1. Act Utilitarianism
2. Universalization are used.
What are 4 Criticisms of Hare's "2-Level Utilitarianism." ?
1. The two levels are incompatible.
2. Rule U "collapses" into Act U.
3. Rule U and Act U are "extensionally equivalent."
4. The reliance of lower level or "intuitive" moral thinking on common morality is misplaced.
In his torture essay, Derschowitz claims that ______________ does a better job than ___________, which he calls "morality by the numbers."
rule utilitarianism, act utilitarianism
What is Hume's virtue?
Virtues are motives for action that stimulates a "moral feeling" in a "moral sense." We approve of actions that are either immediately pleasing or have utility, either for ourselves or others.
What is Plato's role of reason?
He believes reason is the highest level of knowledge. Reason uses the dialectic to progress along the "divided line" to obtain knowledge of the forms.
What does Socrates believe about Akrasia?
He believes that Akrasia is not possible.
Who said, "No one does evil knowingly." ?
Who said, "To know the good is to do the good." ?
What is Socrates Highest Good?
The highest good is the improvement of the soul, the care for wisdom and truth.
What is Platos highest good?
The highest good for anything consists in fulfilling its own nature and living up to its own form or essence. For man, this means he fulfills all 3 parts of the tripartite soul.
What does Plato believe about Akrasia?
He believes that Akrasia is possible, because ex: anger is the spirited element that can overpower reason. And Lust is the bodily appetites overpowering reason.
What does Plato believe justice is?
Justice is the harmonious functioning of the tripartite soul and tripartite society.
What is Aristotle's highest good?
The highest good for man is happiness, specifically eudaimonia(flourishing), and eu zen(living well).
What conditions must Aristotles highest good meet?
It must meet 3 conditions.
1. Be an end in itself
2. Not be merely a means to another end.
3. All other goods are desirable for its sake.
What is Aristotles virtue?
*5 intellectual virtues
*11 ethical virtues

The intellectual virtues guide us in applying the doctrine of the mean.
Aristotles virtue is a ?
Hexis, a disposition, induced by habit, to behave appropriately or to have appropriate feelings.
What determines ethical virtues?
The doctrine of the mean
What does Aristotle believe is the highest good?
Human happiness
Who said, "Reason is, and ought only to be, the slave of the passions." ?
Where does Hare adopt Universalization from?
It's important to note that he doesn't adopt it from Kant but from 'linguistic intuitions'.