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11 Cards in this Set

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psychological disorders stereotypes
neurotic, crazy, uncurable (not true, most get better), violent and dangerous (only small percentage), and behave in bizarre ways (true only w/ small percentage)
historical perspective
- people have always appeared to gave disorders, it didn't just occur randomly
- early on people thought disorders were the result of evil spirits
- during rennaisance, people thought psychological disorders could be treatd by drawing blood out
- only in the last 60 years have drugs been developed
people's view of disorders today
- most think of disorders in the medical model
- usefullness of psychiatric diagnoses
- neuroces/melancholia
critics of mental disorder medical model
- labeling theorists
- once someone recieves diagnosis other peope who know them form a label about them
Rosenhan's famous study
- usually not long term
tough part about psychological disorders
- when do normal behaviors become abnormal
- forgetting -> alzeimers?
- double-checking -> OCD?
- emotional outbursts -> mood disorder?
- high-energy child -> ADHD?
when is it a mental disorder?
1. statistical deviance
2. cultural deviance
3. emotional distress
1. common
2. acceptable
3. low
1. rare
2. unnacceptable
3. high (adaptive, disfunction, maladaptive)
diagnosing an illness
- categorize mental disorders w/ DSM-IV
- 5 axes or sections
treating psychological disorders
types of therapy
- insight
- behavioral: classical an operant conditioning
- pharmacotherapy: drugs (found by accident), lithium -> skitzophrenia
- music/art therapy
- labotamy: severing the brain- taking a small nie up though the eye and severe right and legt hemisphere (serious side-effects... not a cure, 50's and 60's)
still used today but only as last resort (still some severe side-effects)
who provides these treatments?
- clinical or counseling psychologists w/ a graduate degree
- psyhiatrists (medical school + 2 more years) - drugs